Time To Power Up

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If this was a weird dream, she didn't want to wake up.

Marinette found herself in front of the largest school she'd ever seen. She could just imagine getting lost on the campus would be the worse thing possible. Luckily she was surrounded by the nicest friends she'd ever met. Chloe and Lyra were very helpful as well as Andre. Javin kept joking around with all of them.

"Look alive Brid, your knight in dark armor approaches." Chloe whispered, nudging Marinette's shoulder. "Go get em!"

Marinette looked in the direction she was staring and found herself choking on her spit.

The boy was tall, dark, and handsome.

And he looked just like an older, colder version of her Adrien!

His pale blond hair was neatly combed, he had striking blue eyes, and his face was in a permanent scowl. He wore a light gray long-sleeved dress shirt underneath a gray vest, a black tie, dark gray dress pants, and black dress shoes. Marinette even noticed the shiny black ring on his right hand. Over his shoulder, a brown backpack was slung.

"Yo Felix!" Javin said, waving his hands at his friend. "Get your rich butt over here!"

Felix glanced in their direction and groaned. He tried to avoid making contact with others in order to keep his bad luck in check. The stupid Cat Miraculous had caused him so much grief already, but the group caused him even more. Especially Bridgette!

He couldn't stand how persistent her attempts of being friends were. From sneaking love letters into his bag or locker, deliberately following him in the hallways to his classes, and making his tea when he dropped by the cafe. Okay the last one he didn't mind because she made a mean Earl Grey, but the others were downright annoying!

He gave a huge sigh and walked over to the group. He saw Lyra making her motherly smile at him, Andre nodding slightly in his direction, Javin giving him a goofy smile, Chloe batting her eyelashes in a teasing way.

But Bridgette wasn't bursting with her usual good morning. Nor did she try to glomp him to the ground with a giant hug.

She was blushing, which was totally normal for her, and just staring at him. Not. Making. A. Sound.

Felix gave a loud cough, breaking her out of her thoughts and waved at her.

"Good morning Bridgette, your looking fine." He said, nearly gritting his teeth. Where was all the energy she usually had towards him?

"Uh...um..." Marinette fumbled around in her mind, trying to make words turn into sentences. Her mind was drawing a blank as she stared right into his luscious orbs. "M-M-Morning to you too F-F-Felix!"

Now the whole group stared at her. Bridgette never stuttered on her words!

"Brid are you feeling alright? You're stuttering!" Chloe said, grabbing her friend by the hands.

"Yeah your usually more coherent than this!" Javin joked, clapping her on the back.

"Are you sick? Do you need to visit the nurse?" Lyra asked concerned. She placed a hand on her forehead. "You don't seem hot."

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