The Enemy of My Enemy

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It was a beautiful morning in Paris, France. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the flowers were in full bloom. People walked to work, sat in the cafes, or just mingled with co-workers at functions.

All of that changed when a giant blimp shrouded the area in total darkness.

A massive blimp that was surrounded by white butterflies to be in fact. The side read Butterfly Designs; the only fashion that changes you! There were black tinted windows on the gondola part of the blimp. Inside the blimp, a man looked down at the city below, his eyes scanning the many crowds. His hands closed around the cane he was holding, his fist nearly cracking the gem on the top.

"Those fools that parade around Paris have no idea what's coming to them. I, HawkMoth, will rule them all once I have the ultimate powers in my grasp."

The man stepped into the center of the gondola where a massive glass window shone silver light downwards. When he stepped into the light, his full features were finally shown. He was a tall man with a silver mask that covered his face. He wore a purple suit with a white butterfly brooch on his black tie. He swung the cane as millions of white butterflies fluttered upwards.

"My akumas can only temporarily possess someone under my rule, but I need something else to attract the attention of the Quantic Kids." He turned around to the other figure in the room. "This is why I called for your help Sparrow."

Sparrow bowed meekily, his face showing pure dedication. "I live to serve you master. After all, you took me in when the Quantic Kids betrayed me."

HawkMoth nodded, putting a hand on his protege's shoulder. "Tell me Sparrow, how much have you improved with your powers?"

"Enough to give my old friends a thrashing big time. I want to see their blood spilled on the ground where they stand."

"And if I gave you the order, would you kill them all?"

"At your command I would make sure they don't even get their last breath."

HawkMoth's mouth curled into a satisfied smile. "Then I have a task for you. I need to attract Ladybug back into my grasp so that I can steal her miraculous. You and the others will cause some mild chaos and take care of the Quantic Kids. You are to kill Chat Noir because his miraculous requires either his death or consent from Ladybug." He growled at the last part. "What a nuisance that curse is."

Sparrow blinked. "Sir, why can I not eliminate Ladybug? She is the reason i am this way."

A sudden chill came over him as HawkMoth grabbed him by the throat. His gasps for air was left unheard as his master gripped tighter.

"Need I remind you Sparrow that Ladybug is only mine to deal with. You and your petty squabbles with her will have to wait until I have her miraculous firmly in my gloved hands." He dropped him, Sparrow wheezing for air and clutching his throat. "And I will hear nothing more of this understand?"

"Y-Y-Yes sir..."

"Good," HawkMoth turned towards the window again. "Now go before I decide to use my powers to convince you to kill the others."

Without a single word, he sprinted out of the room, feathers off his coat falling in his haste. HawkMoth cackled as the butterflies gathered around him once more.

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