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Hey guys it's been a few months.

No I'm just kidding it's been like 7 months or whatever.


When I wrote this story, I was going on a road trip summer of 2020 back in July. I wrote in a tiny notebook and spent all my free time typing it into my phone and into the wattpad app to this story.

I honestly didn't think we could get to 4K reads yet here we are so thank you so much <3

I was thinking about rewriting this better like adding more chapters and making the plot development and character developments way better than they are now.

When I wrote this I hit a writers block and not knowing what I was experiencing I got bored of writing and kind of just wrote it off quickly without giving the character the development it needed.

I have other books I update and are busy with but i was planning on rewriting this (same plot, same characters, same everything. Just adding more development) and making it 10x better than it is now.

What do you guys think?

Anyways, I luv y'all <3 go hydrate, eat, rest, etc.

- Taylor

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