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Semi POV


"What do you want, Uso-Tsuki?"

"I want you to be mine~"

"Cool, but I'm not interested"

"Got your heart set on someone else?"

"why would you care?"

"It's y/n Itami, isn't it?"

"N-no I d-don't like h-her!"

"What a shame, I was sure she liked you even if she is emotionless"

"W-what?" I stutter out. I can feel my cheeks burning up. My whole world just turned upside down.

"Well you want to protect her, dont you?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then you'd better cooperate"
She whispers into my ear coldly.

"What does that-" I was stopped by her hands grabbing my hands and the feeling of her lips colliding with mine. I instantly pull away.

"What the hell? I was saving that for someone else"

"And I was saving that for you" I fumed in anger, before I could speak she put her index finger on my lips to shush me.

"Listen here, I know Itami means a lot to you but if you want to protect her then you'll have to cooperate with me. We don't have to date, but if I want to cling to you then you let me cling. If I want to kiss you then you let me kiss you. Got that?"

"If y/n doesn't get hurt or anything then fine..."


**At volleyball practice before
y/n's coughing fit**

Did she see it? Did she hear? I'm not sure, but she won't talk to me or even make eye contact with me...



"What's Hanamaki?" I ask yoshi. She hesitates before answering me.

"It's a disease that effects your lungs. Basically you'll have unsteady breathing sessions at certain times and coughing fits. Along with coughing out blood and flower petals. There's basically plants/flowers growing in your lungs"

"What causes it?"

"...... when you truly love someone, but they can't return the same feelings back." I thought for a second. My heart ached for some reason and my head throbbed. A lump appeared in my throat and I felt my eyes water. Is this what crying feels like? I then felt a cold tear roll down my cheek. Then for the first time ever, I smiled. I could feel it was fake, but I slightly smiled for some reason.

"He'll be happier with her than he'll ever be with me"

Emotionless [Semi Eita X reader] Where stories live. Discover now