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I went up to Ushijima after the match and shook his hand.

"I enjoyed playing against a strong player like you. The amount of precision and power you are able to put in one spike is incredible. Well done" I tell him. He nods.

"I am impressed by your receiving skills. I have never met someone that was able to receive it without a little practice. I look forward to playing against you again" I nodded at his response to me. I walk over to help take down the net but Eita gently pushes me away.

"No, you go to our club room and get changed since your club room is extremely far away and I don't want you going across the school in those short volleyball shorts alone in a perverted school like this" I roll my eyes then I walk away.

On my way up the stairs to the club room, I feel my unsteady breathes become stronger. My throat starts scratching and my heart throbs a bit. I realize what's happening and I sprint to the club room. I start coughing on my way there, luckily no blood yet.

I fling open the door and I run in. There's no toilets or sink, but a few showers. I go into one of the shower stalls and I start coughing near the drain. A lot of blood starts coming out. I close my eyes, wanting all the pain to just go away. I remembered when Eita carried me yesterday night to his dorm, I remembered his soothing voice, his soft touch as he tended to my wounds. His touch as he pushed me away from the net so I could go change, his soft gaze as he looked me in the eye. Most of all, his sweet smile that felt almost contagious. I stop after 5 minutes of intense coughing and a lot of blood loss. I look to see a ton of flower petals and I see three deformed roses. It's gotten worse, now instead of just flower petals, Ive gotten to coughing up maybe 20-30 petals and whole flowers now? I turned on the shower and washed down the flowers and blood, then I walked to my bag and took out my purple plaid skirt, blue button up, grey vest, and white blazer. I also took out my purple plaid neck bow. I slide off my spandex shorts and put on the plaid purple uniform skirt. Then I took off my sweaty black shirt and put it to the side where my spandex was.

That's when I heard the door open.

There I saw Eita, Tendō, Ushijima, Yamagata, and Shirabu all talking while walking in. They all noticed me and froze. Each had a layer of blush on their face, Eita's was the worst. I just looked at all of them, each in the eye. Eita looked down from my eyes and I realized I had bandage wrap that was covering my whole stomach.

"Everyone out!" Eita said as he shoved everyone out, closing the door behind him. I sighed then slipped on my blue button up and buttoned it up. I slide on the grey uniform vest, then my blazer. But I didn't button up the blazer. I put on the purple plaid neck bow and left. I passed by the boys who were bickering with eachother, I didn't know what it was about though. I went down the stairs and walked to my class, arriving at the gym to pass by and pick up something.

Team POV

Semi opened the club room door, thinking Itami was finished, only to see her topless with a sports bra, shirt in hand, wearing her uniform skirt. All the boys flushed red.

"Everyone out!" Semi panicked as he realized Itami still had all the bandages wrapped around her. He shoved everyone out and closed to door behind him, leaving Itami in the room.

All the boys were flustered, but Semi's was the darkest and most noticeable red out of the boys.

"Oi Semisemi~ why you blushing so hard?" Tendō teased.

"I-I'm not!" Semi protested

"Yea fucking right" Shirabu said. "You look like a damn tomato"

"Well I already figured it out yesterday so..." Tendō says.

"F-figured out what??" He says, flushing an even deeper red.

"That you love Itami-Chan~ it's pretty obvious" he smirks.

"I-I do not!"

"Your a terrible liar Semi, you know that?" Yamagata pats his back. "Don't get too hot headed, she's all yours so chill"

"Speaking of her, did you guys see all the bandages wrapped around her upper body?" Shirabu asks the group.

"What happened to her, Semi?" Ushijima says, making everyone turn their attention to Semi.

".... nothing. She's fine"

"Clearly not since she kept wincing during the practice match and she had that many bandage wrap on her" Shirabu adds.

"She- she's fine ok? No need to drag on it so much!"

"Aww fine," Tendō pouts, then he looks at Semi with a menacing smirk, "I wonder if Itami-Chan loves you too~" Semi turns a bright red again.

"Isn't she... emotionless?" Shirabu asks.

"Well she was crying when I found her yesterday so apparently not" Semi mumbles, hoping nobody heard.

"What?? Semi what did you do to her?" Ushijima interrogates the deep black eyed boy.

"W-what?? I didn't do anything! She was already crying before I even got there!"

"Sure, Semisemi~"

"I'm being serious right now, you asshole!"

As the two boys bickered, Itami went out of the club room and passed the group of boys, clearly not interested in the conversation.

"Tendō, Semi, stop fighting. Itami just left the club room so now we can go change" Ushijima says as he points to the open club room door. All the boys nod and they walk in, getting ready to change into their school uniforms.


I was walking to the gym to grab my water bottle that I left. When I was just entering the door, a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Y/n Itami" it growled. I turn to see her...

Ai Uso-Tsuki

Emotionless [Semi Eita X reader] Where stories live. Discover now