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I was walking past a school buildomg when I heard some front chatter on the side allyway of the building. I peeked around the corner to see Eita with Uso-Tsuki. I couldn't hear anything. Eita looked kind of annoyed. Then all of the sudden he started blushing hard and waving his hands in front of his face.

"N-no I d-Don't like h-her!!" He stuttered out a little loudly. Were they talking about me? Then I saw Uso-Tsuki put her face to close to his and whisper something to him. His blush suddenly went away fast and he gave her an irritated look.

"Of course I do!!" He sounded pissed. I was about to walk passed them casually to go get my knee pads when Uso-Tsuki grabbed his hand and shoved her lips into his.

I suddenly felt a rising anger come to me. I didn't show it, but I could feel it. My heart felt as if it just shattered. I felt my throat close up and my breathes became rapsier. Was this how jealousy felt? I don't know, but I had to get out of there before they saw me. I ran past them and caught a glimpse of Uso-Tsuki looking at me with a smirk on her face as she kissed him. I ran until I got to the track. I grabbed my knee pads, then jogged back to the gym. I saw Eita there, but I avoided talking to him or making eye contact. It was easy for me since I usually don't talk or make eye contact with people in general.


We were doing passing drills. Our captain was spiking balls constantly while we would dig them. We had to do atleast 10 good ones, or if we passed 10 then we kept going until the ball hit the floor. I was way past 10. My lungs felt... small. My stamina wasn't as great and my breathing was unsteady. As my lungs kept tightening, my breathes became raspier. I dived for a ball and I shanked it. Right when I made impact with the floor, my lungs almost stopped working. I fought for air for a second before coughing. I was still fighting for air as I coughed. After a few coughs, I saw blood come out of my mouth and I immediately ran to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom, I fell to my knees, coughing out blood. I heard someone come in and I felt someone patting my back. I finally could breath, and it was steady. But I looked down and saw a bloody flower petal on the ground in the small puddle of blood I had coughed out. I knew I coughed out the flower petal... but how?

"Itami! You ok?" I turn to see Yoshi with her hand resting on my back, worry filled up in her eyes. She looked down to the flower petal and blood puddle. "Hanamaki..." she whispered.

"What?" I quietly ask. She looked me in the eye and sighed.

"Did anything happen while you were getting your knee pads from the track?"

I hesitate, thinking about what she means. Then I speak.


Semi POV

Right now, we're receiving balls as a drill. Coach had to go to a teachers meeting so he left us to practice with the girls by ourselves. Y/n was receiving and stuff, she was on her 20th ball. She dove and shanked it, but instead of getting immediately up she stayed down longer than usual. Her breathes were unsteady and it looked like she struggled to breath. Then she started having a cough attack, but the coughs were raspy and hoarse. I started walking over to her when I saw her cough out blood. My mom instincts made me run over to her. Right before I got to her, she stood up and ran out of the gym, I presume she went to the bathroom. Yoshi was quick on her feet, and ran to follow here while yelling,

"Wakatoshi your in charge!!" She sprinted out, following y/n. We all stood confused, before Tendō broke the silence.

"Wonder what happened-holy shit there's blood on the ground where she landed!"

Some of the girls ran to get cleaning supplies. One threw me a towel and I used it to wipe the liquid substance off the ground. I then went to the supple room and threw the towel in the dirty towel bin. I went back and walked over to where Ushijima was.

"Is she going to be ok?" Goshiki asked. I patted his back.

"Only Aika-San would know right now" Ushijima said, in his usual stoic expression.


Yoshi POV

"Did anything happen while you were getting your knee pads from the track?" I asked her. She hesitated a little bit before answering.

"Well..." she looks at the bloody petal on the ground, still holding her usual emotionless expression.

"I saw Uso-Tsuki kissing Eita. She also held his hand. They were on the sides of the school buildings." She says. She looks up at me, her face the same but her eyes telling a different story. She may be emotionless, but nobody can stop their eyes from showing it. I could tell she was broken. Her eyes were darker than before. I could see the world in her eyes shatter into multiple microscopic pieces. I knew something was up with her. So I decided to give her something I know she probably hasn't ever had...

I hugged her. I could feel her tense up at first, probably not expecting it. But after a moment, her body softened. I pull away and look at her eyes again. They still looked broken, but I could see the tiniest bit of light in them.

"How do you stay so strong, your clearly in pain" I saw softly to the 'emotionless' girl.

"My parents" she says.

"Your parents good people?" I ask. She hesitates a little. Ah shit, I probably shouldn't have asked that...

"No, they broke me down to who I am right now... literally" she kept her emotionless expression as she said this.

"I'm so sorry for asking, Itami..." I say ashamed. She nods then gets up. She starts walking to the door and brings her hand up to the knob. Right before she touches the knob, she pauses and turns to me.

"What's Hanamaki?"

Hey y'all it's the author... Hanamaki will be explained in the next chapter. I PROMISE!! Anyways...


- Author 😘✌️

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