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It was the end of the school day so now it was time to meet the girls' volleyball team. I got to the locker room and changed into black spandex shorts and a dark purple t-shirt that I was given by the school. I slip on my knee pads and volleyball shoes. Then I tie my hair up into a ponytail (or not depending on your own hair length) and I grab my running shoes. I grab my elbow pads then I run out of the locker room to the gym to meet my new team.

I got to the gym and was immediately greeted by the girl I presumed to be the captain of the team.

"Hey your y/n Itami! I'm Aika Yoshi, captain of the shiratorizawa girls volleyball club, welcome!" She smiles at me. I nod, then look around the gym. This place was huge. I see some girls practicing.

"Hello, Yoshi" I say monotonously. After that, she threw a ton of questions at me. I didn't mind though. She introduced me to the team next. Everyone was nice, then I was introduced to the Libero. Her name was Ai Uso-Tsuki. She was the starter and also a 3rd year. She looked pissed at me for existing, probably because I was going to easily take her starting spot on the line up. I did understand how that felt a little bit, only because my parents would beat me up in front of everyone if they thought I did bad at a tournament or practice match.

"Ok first were going to need to test your stamina, Itami. So everyone get your running shoes on and let's head to the track!" She commands!

"Yes captain!" Everyone yells, before running to the door and getting their shoes on. I follow them.

We finally get to the huge track. I get to my starting point and I wait for the ok to go.

"Your going to run as many laps as you can in 10 minutes. The school record is 9, set by Wakatoshi Ushijima at the beginning of this year. " Yoshi announces. "If you beat it, you'll be the new record breaker, and I'll try to get a combined practice with the boys team because that will definitely challenge us!" Some of the girls squeal at this statement. I guess some were fan girls of Ushiwaka and some of the other members. I didn't really care, but I guess it would be nice to play volleyball with Eita again.

"Ok ready... GO!" And I took off on a fast paced jog.

Team POV

"Jeez she's fast... it's only been 3 minutes and she's already done with her 2nd lap" Yoshi says, as the rest watch in awe. Then the boys volleyball team comes by because they plan on doing a few laps to warm up.

"Oh hey Wakatoshi-kun!" Yoshi says.

""Hello Aika-San" he looks around for a bit. "Is she running laps?"

"Yep! We're doing the stamina test, she's already on her 3rd lap and it hasn't even been 4 minutes yet" yoshi beams in excitement.

All the boys eyes widen as they watch the tiny girl run around the track.

"Damn shes got stamina for someone who's so tiny" Yamagata laughs.

"She hasn't changed at all" semi smiles.

After a few minutes, Yoshi calls out the time and lap number.

"You have 4 minutes left and your on your 9th lap!" Everyone watched as she picks up the pace a little.

"She's practically sprinting now" Shirabu says.

"Looks like she's already broke your record, big guy" Tendō says as he pats ushijimas back. "And she's a girl, plus atleast a foot shorter than you" he teases.

"Good for her, stamina is important for the Libero position"

"You're way too dense" tendō sighs.

"Me and you have the same amount of densi-"

"That's not what I meant, Wakatoshi-Kun"


"Andddddd your finished!" Yoshi beams. She looks at the lap amount she's marked down and hesitates to reveal the lap number.

"Holy fuck." She mumbles. She looks up then breathes in.

"You got 15 laps in 10 minutes..." everyone looks in shock as the girl nods and walks to her water bottle.

"15..." goshiki says, hardly believing it. "Wow your so cool, Itami-Senpai!" Y/n holds up a lazy peace sign at the first year boy. Semi comes up to her and ruffles her hair.

"You haven't changed one bit, y/n" he laughs. She nods at him then walks off to the gym.

"Jeez how ungrateful is she? She broke the school record by a long shot, and we all congratulated her and yet she still doesn't show any gratitude towards us" Uso-Tsuki says, clearly annoyed.

"That's just how she acts all the time, I'm pretty sure she is grateful though." Semi assures the other Libero. She walks off, while pissed off.

"Emotionless freak" she mumbles as she walks to the gym.


"Itami" Uso-Tsuki growls at the girl.


She walks over to the Libero. After a few seconds of silence, she slams the emotionless girl into the wall.

"You asshole, you can't just show up and take everything from me. Your obviously going to take the starting position just because your the top female Libero in Japan. But we don't know if you flow well with the other. Yet Yoshi is too blind to see it. Your also taking away Semi from me. I've liked that boy since I started high school and your just strolling in here middle of 3rd year. Your obviously into him because you just talk to him like it's nothing, but since he would never like someone like you, stay out of my way. You got that?" She snares at the girl. Y/n nods, she doesn't look scared or timid. She just looks back at the other Libero with her usual cold eyes and stoic expression.

"Emotionless freak" she says as she walks out. She sticks a paper to the door before leaving. Y/n thinks to herself, probably a note of some sort.


The rest of the team walks in, including the boys team. Yoshi takes the note and reads it.

"Looks like Uso-Tsuki didn't feel good so she's going home!"

Today is probably the combined practice since we met with them at the track anyways. I look around, but I don't see Eita at all. I turn to the boy next to me.

"Where's Eita?" I say to him. He's a tall boy with spiky red hair. He looks mysteriously scary, I liked it.

"He's using the bathroom, Itami-San"

"Ok" I say as I go to the benches to find my knee pads. I look around but I don't see them. That's when I realize I forgot my knee pads at the track. I had taken them off to run and forgot about them. I go over to Yoshi and tap her shoulder.

"Hm?" She says as she turns around to face me.

"I forgot my knee pads at the track, can I got get them?"

"Yea of course! Don't take too long!" I nod and walk out of the gym.

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