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We were all eating dinner in the cafeteria, waiting for Eita and Yamagata. I couldn't get the kids out of my head. I was glad Eita finally found a girl that he would love, but why did I want that girl to be me? I was emotionless! I was raised to be that way and I didn't want that to change. I was too broken to find time to feel emotions, but why was I feeling, whats it called? Love. My father told me that being happy, sad, etc, would effect my performance on the court.

As I slurped my Miso soup, I felt my chest tighten. I put the bowl down and swallowed the remaining soup in my mouth. Then I felt my breathes become tighter and unsteady. My head started to throb and my heart felt broken. I stood up and tapped Yoshi before running to the bathroom.

Yoshi POV

As I was talking to Wakatoshi, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw Itami zoom past me to the bathroom. The three boys watched her as she turned the corner. I knew immediately what was wrong and stood up.

"I'm going to go help her, Girl issues." I say then I run after her. When I entered the girls bathroom, I saw there was only one other person in there. The stalk was occupied and I heard coughing and dripping from there.

"Itami?? Are you ok?" I knock frantically.

"Hanahaki" she chokes out as she's coughing. After a few seconds, the coughing stops but I hear her gasp for air and fighting for her life.

"Itami?? Open the door!!" I put my hand on top of the stall door and shook it frantically. She stands up and opens the door, then she just falls on me. She gasps as she finally can breathe. I make a sigh of relief, then I peer over the tiny girl. I see the toilet is filled with blood and 8 flower petals, from what I can see. I sigh, then I stroke the poor girl's hair. Will she be able to continue volleyball? Should we tell Semi? Those two have known eachother the longest, so Semi will, sooner or later, realize that somethings wrong with Itami.

Itami pulls away and walks to the sink slowly. She turns on the water to cold and splashes it over her face a few times before turning the faucet off. She dries her face then opens the door.

"I have to go pee, so I'll be out in a sec! Go wait at the table for me" she turns to me and nods then walks out.


I go to the table and there's no sign of Itami here.

"Where'd she go?" I question the boys.

"She said she had something to do" Reon explains. I sigh then bring my hand to my forehead and rub it. I look over at Semi.

"Go after her, I'm pretty sure you have an idea of where she is"

"Uhh I'm not sure... but I think I know where she might be going or where she is- wait why me?"

"Because you just said you might know, so go there and make sure she's ok!" I scold the boy. He nods with irritation, then grabs all his stuff and walks out of the cafeteria.


As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Eita running out of a classroom with a notebook in his hand. I got a glimpse of his deep black eyes, and his thick ash blonde hair flowing with the wind as he ran. My heart pounded and my cheeks flushed red, but I showed no emotion. I felt... love. But I knew he was never going to love a girl like me. I was an emotionless freak with ugly heterochromia eyes and a strange awkward aura that followed me wherever I went. I stood there for a few seconds before continuing to walk. I got to the table to see that Yamagata and Eita were already sitting down and eating.

Emotionless [Semi Eita X reader] Where stories live. Discover now