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Semi POV

"Female Volleyball player, Y/n Itami, was pronounced dead late last night cause by falling off a high building on the Shiratorizawa Campus. She was the top female Libero in the country, out-playing even professional players. She was said to be emotionless, but had extraordinary talent for volleyball. She will definitely be going down in history as one of the Japan's best liberos ever-"

I switched off the TV. It's all my fault. She avoided me and was acting strange and I didn't question it or go out of my way to help her. And now... she was gone: the one girl that was my first best friend, and the first and only person I loved.

I got up and changed into my school uniform. Yamagata knee something was wrong but he didn't speak to me which was probably for the better. We both walked out and headed to class.

**after school, end of volleyball practice**

I missed all my serves, my sets were sloppy, my passing was complete trash. All I could think about was y/n. It was after practice, coach had to leave early because he was going to a school employee meeting. We all were drinking water, getting ready to pack up everything in the gym and head to our dorms. Everyone was chatting while I was alone and leaning against the cold concrete gym wall, looking at the ground, the mental image of y/n stuck in the front of my mind. I overheard some of my teammates whisper about me and I flinched as I hear y/n's name.

"Is he going to be ok?"
"Maybe we should talk to him..."
"That might make him even worse-"
"Is this because of... Itami-Senpai?"
"Did you hear what happened to her?"
"Yea, she's in my math class and our teacher talked about it before we started learning."
"Oh wow, I hope this doesn't affect his playing too much"
"I'm not sure we can guarantee that, after all, all he can think about right now is Itami nomatter how much he tries to shake her out of his head"

I clenched my fists when I kept hearing her name. I gritted my teeth, with the throbbing of my heart slowly catching up to me. How could you miss someone so much? I didn't even realize how much I loved her until she was gone.

I helped clean up, my legs feeling wobbly and my arms feeling weak as I did so. We went into the locker room, me trailing behind everyone else. I was changing slower than usual. Maybe cause I couldn't get her out of my head. I was the last one out, everyone had already finished 2 minutes prior to me. Of course now everyone knew something was wrong because I was always the first or second one to finish.
I walked out, with my bag and phone in hand. I stopped once I got into the empty gym.

I for some reason couldn't move anymore. I was frozen in time, only to feel myself go on autopilot. I had pulled out my phone and was now scrolling through pics of me and y/n when we were younger. There were pictures of us playing together, swimming, eating, sleeping, hugging, etc. I went through our old messages. Everything she texted me was like taking a bullet. My heart throbbed in pain and my head was pounding. I felt tears prick my eyes. I slide my phone in my pocket and I looked at the ground. My vision turned fuzzy and my mind was filled with only y/n Itami. I clenched my shirt and bent over. I stayed like that for a few seconds, until I finally broke. I started crying uncontrollably, my body shaking tremendously and the sting in my heart only growing stronger. I tightened my grip on my shirt even harder.

Suddenly, I felt myself being embraced into a hug. I didn't know who it was, but I hugged back. I stuffed my face into their shoulder, finally feeling in control of my body. I was still hurting, a lot.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, still not looking up.

"Everyone has a breaking point, Semisemi~" the voice cooed in a soothing and comforting way.i smiles and pulled away, not looking at the figure. I put in headphones, then played "falling in love with you". I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the gym, heading outside campus to take a walk and cool down.

As I walked, I looked up to see the bright stars and the moon shining down on me. You were like the moon in the deep blue sky: you always stood out, never like the rest. But you were beautiful and kept my dark sky bright.

I felt the gentle breeze sweep across my face ever so lightly. The moonlight almost guiding the way for the wind. The stars made a map, showing the wind the path of success. Crickets rattled in the deep green bushes, making the scenery even more perfect.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you~

I whispered to the moon,

"Till we meet, on the other side"


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