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When we got to middle school, I moved to Tokyo because my uncle got a job offer there and he just couldn't pass it up. We stayed there until during my 3rd year of high school, my aunt got a job offer back in Miyagi. My uncle decided to stay in Tokyo while I went with my aunt to Miyagi. I decided to move with her because I wasn't much of a city person. I hated big crowds. And after all, he was there.

After finding out I was transferring back to Miyagi, shiratorizawa academy immediately sent me a sports scholarship ship. Why? Well I was the second best Libero in Japan (including the pro players) and I was the top female Libero in Japan (including the pro players). I was pretty well known among volleyball players, coaches, and super volleyball fans. Other than that, I was a complete mystery to everyone. I was emotionless, with concrete walls around my heart. I couldn't imagine loving or showing affection towards anyone. I did love my aunt and uncle, a lot actually, I just didn't show it. But I always felt sweatier, my heart pounded faster, and my hands shook more whenever I saw or talked to Eita. At the same time, it felt more natural to talk around him than it did anyone else. But that hasn't happened in a while, but I know I'll see him soon. Because now I'm heading to Miyagi where I know he is.

I showed my aunt the scholarship and she immediately said it was ok for me to go.

Now here I am in my shiratorizawa uniform, standing in front of the gates, not so sure about my first day at this powerhouse. I walk in and immediately I'm the talk of the school. Great... just great.

"She's so short"

"She looks so... plain"

"I think she's new... she probably transferred with a scholarship"

"What would she get the scholarship for tho? She doesn't look athletic or brainy or anything"

I ignored the comments from people as I kept walking forward, with my usual stoic expression and my cold staring eyes.

I keep walking and eventually pass by the gym. I hear shoes squeaking and balls slamming, so I peek through the open door. I see the boys' volleyball club practicing, it's probably their morning practice. I get a good look at the Libero in action. I didn't know his name but I've seen him play on TV in nationals with shiratorizawa. I stare at him with cold eyes as I realize... he's good at passing, but he's slow and his steps don't flow together like they should. I take mental notes on him. I start looking around more, then a boy catches my eye. It's a tall boy with messy ash blonde hair that fades into a black at the ends... It was probably dyed. Then I realize something else... is that? No it can't be. Stop imagining things, y/n.

After watching for about 5 minutes, a huge boy with short olive green hair makes eye contact with me. I stare into him with darkened eyes for a few seconds before turning around and deciding to get to my first class.

Ushijima POV

"Who was that girl over there?" I ask the third years right next to me.

"Which girl?" Semi asks.

"There was an oddly familiar girl standing at the door just a few seconds ago..."

"Maybe it was the transfer student that we've been hearing so much chatter about" reon assures me, as he pats my back and walks off to his position.

"Maybe..." I mumble to myself before getting back to practice.


School was OK so far, I guess... people kept giving me weird look, probably cause I was some random girl that showed up in the middle of the year and was completely emotionless.

Emotionless [Semi Eita X reader] Where stories live. Discover now