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Semi POV

I watched as y/n fell asleep, her head in my lap. I watched her tiny body shake in fear, her breathes getting a little heavier and her body feeling cold as ice even tho she's in a hoodie and sweatpants under a blanket.

"Oh y/n... I whispered as I stroked her silky hair. Hopefully, today doesn't break her even more. This was the first time I've ever seen her cry. When we were kids, she never showed any emotions. But her eyes always said otherwise...


I was looking around the huge gym for a partner. Everyone already found a partner, but not me. I walked around the gym and eventually found a little girl standing there, looking around all lonely. She didn't look sad or disappointed, she was just emotionless. I walked up to her and held up my hand for her to take.

"I don't have a partner, you want to be my partner?" I beamed at the girl. We locked eyes, I loved her eyes. One was light brown while the other one was blue. When I looked into her eyes, I saw she was internally shattered, hatred filled inside them. Not for me, but for what has happened to her before.

**present time**

She always gave off a strong aura, a scary or awkward one almost. But she had her soft spots.

When we were 1st and 2nd years in high school, she would text me all the time telling me about the kids at Tokyo orphanage. She's always had a soft spot for kids. She never told me this, but you could just see it in her eyes: she wanted to be the motherly figure in those kids lives. She wanted to be the mother figure that to these kids that she never had, because the fear of whatever happened with her and her parents still haunts her. She saw herself in those broken souls and wanted to fix them. They looked up to her as if she was the missing piece in their hearts, or their beacon of hope. She came every Thursday and Tuesday according to y/n. She would send me pics of her and them. She never smiled in the pics, but her facial expression was always softened and looked genuine. The kids had bright smiles on their faces. In y/n, you could see how much she loved those kids. If only she wasn't as broken as I see her now.

Your face says this but your eyes will always tell the story that is true.

Yamagata POV

I got off the call and everyone looked at me, curiosity filling their faces.

"So semi found her, she's at our dorm right now. I'm gonna go check on them and leave dinner early while you guys eat." I say while collecting my stuff. They all nod and I walk off.

I'm in the hallway and I have my hand on the door that leads outside. By following a path outside, you'll eventually get to the dorm buildings. Right when I'm about to open the door, I hear swift footsteps becoming louder and louder.

"Yamagata!" I turn to see Yoshi with her hands on her knees as she stops in front of me.

"Yeah?" I ask her. She stands up and looks me in the eye, worry written all over her face. All of the sudden, she pounces on me, engulfing me in a hug. She's not crying, but it's more of a 'take care' hug.

"Take care of her... don't let Semi find out, but I'm sure she had Hanahaki." She quietly says into my ear. "Don't let Semi see her cough up blood and flower petals, make sure she knows that you know and that your someone she can go to if it happens while I'm not there... please" she mumbles. I pat her back, feeling her soft breathe on me.

"I promise" I said. She pulled away, her wheat golden eyes a little glossy. She smiles and mouthes a 'thank you' before walking back to the cafeteria to finish her food.

"Hanahaki huh?" I mumble to myself. "Wonder who the lucky guy was..."

I get to my dorm and I unlock it then I open up the door slowly. I walk in and I see Semi, phone in one hand while the other is stroking Itami's hair. She's asleep, her head in his lap. Semi looks up at me and smiles before going back to look at his phone. I smile back, then I walk to my drawer and I take out some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I go over to Semi and get close to him so I don't wake up Itami.

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