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Shirabu and Eita get in their setter positions on either side of the net. Me and Tendō split the court, taking one side for receiving positions each, while Ushijima and Yamagata do the same. Ushijima then goes to the back line and bounces the ball ready to serve. I get down in my ready position, getting prepared for a powerful serve. He serves the ball right between me and Tendō, making me immediately spring up and jump for a flying receive. I hit the ball, sending it straight to the setter position as the balls rotations has completely changed and is now in a controlled manner. As I make impact with the ground, I feel a sharp pain shoot up my upper body from the big gashes and the deep purple bruises. I immediately get up and see Eita setting Tendō up for a spike. Tendō slams in into a corner and Yamagata barely receives it, but it's a little off. Shirabu bumps it high to the right side between the sideline and the setters position in the court. Ushijima jumps up to hit it, his form was impeccable: his right arm was tracking the ball while his left was loading in like a bow and arrow system. He could easily mask where he wanted to hit the ball, even I had trouble reading where the spike was going to go. He slammed it towards the other end of the court where nobody was covering, smashing through the two-man block Tendō and Eita had set up. My cold eyes locked onto the ball, sending me sprinting towards its direction. I leapt, my body becoming parallel to the ground as I stuck an arm out.

I had just showed a way to fly as the Libero, as the one who defends the back and doesn't have the luxury to slam the ball down like everyone else can.

The ball collided with my forearms, and I perfectly sent it to where Eita was waiting. His eyes widened a bit from the shock that his best friend just received a spike nobody would've gotten in a 1-v-1 situation like I was in. He went back to his usual focused expression then set to Tendō again, who found the gap and earned us a point. Yamagata tried to dive for the back but failed to do so.


After the first set, people started watching. My team won he first set, 28-26. Tendō became a little more reckless than he already was because he knew that I would always have everyone's back in the receiving and digging department. I received all his spikes, but he did try to spike it to Tendō a few times who failed at returning the ball properly. Ushijima spiked near or to me most of the time because he wanted to boost his morale while pounding down mine simply by making me mess up. I still dived and went for every spike... my body throbbed at a landed on the gashes and bruises every time, but I ignored the pain and kept receiving like the Libero should.

Yoshi POV

I was talking with a friend while walking to class when I saw some students running to the boys volleyball gym.

"I can't believe someone is flawlessly receiving Ushiwaka's spikes! And it's a small girl" I heard a girl squeal to her friend. Her friend nodded in agreement. My eyes widened, who could it be? It didn't hit me at first. I dragged my friend to the gym and I walked in to a small girl making impact with the ground while a volleyball landed neatly above Semi's head. The girl has deep, mysterious eyes, one was blue and one was brown. Her hair, which was put in a neat ponytail, flowed with her movement as she dove for balls. She was drenched in sweat, and emotionless expression still covering her face. Itami... she was the one receiving all of Wakatoshi's serves and spikes.

She leapt forward to retrieve a tipped ball, both her arms connected and stuck out in front of her as she flew forward. Her black shirt flowed a bit and I could see her whole stomach was wrapped in bandages. What happened when Seni found her last night?

This rally was extremely long, game point for Itami's team 24-18. This is the first time that a team Wakatoshi has been on has been so far behind in points... and it was all because of this small girl that could change the flow of the game if she wanted to. The amount of concentration she held was amazing. She was the one who was slowly breaking down the other team without even touching them.

She was piling on more and more weight on all the teammates, starting with Yamagata... but also encouraging him. With her flawless receives, she's setting the bar high for this guy. But also, she's challenging him mentally and physically. He's being physically challenged by the fact that a girl who's way shorter than him is completely out leveling him as a Libero. Making Yamagata push himself to try harder. Which can be a problem if your body won't let you and suddenly makes you slower and more hesitant. The mentally challenging part about this is that with a girl like Itami on the court, most will have the mindset of surpassing this girl mid-game rather than focusing on the game itself. On top of that, he's getting the pressure of people watching this amazing girl play, then probably judging him because they play the same position.

Next, she was breaking down Shirabu, a little slower but she was definitely breaking him. As a setter, you always feel the guilt of failing your team if your set it off or your spiker gets blocked. In this case, Ushijima isn't exactly getting blocked, but his path to victory is still not cleared. Instead of an iron wall block, he's being stopped by a tiny girl basically half his height because of her flawless receiving skills. Shirabu is going to start feeling the weight of her on him soon because whenever he sets the ball, he's taking note of where Itami is and he's trying to set somewhere easy where Ushijima can easily pinpoint a spot on the court to spike to. He's being challenged with his sense of awareness because Itami is also good at reading attacks, so it'll be hard to get passed her by just using a setter dump.

Lastly, the situation she's putting our Ace into. The amount of weight she was able to heave onto Wakatoshi without even being near him is incredible, all she has to do is touch the ball, letting him know that there's a lion behind the wall ready to pounce at any moment. She's fast, she can easily read her opponents, her pain tolerance is high, she has incredible and high stamina, her eyesight is keen, her evaluations are scarily on point, and she doesn't get tunnel vision from what I've seen. Put all those together and you've put your spiker in an extremely tough spot. Ushijima must accurately place the ball somewhere on the court, along with hitting it with a lot of speed and power to make it drop faster. That's the only way he'll have a small chance of getting past the girl. This burden is something he has to carry on his shoulders throughout the whole game and it mentally can strain someone. With some students watching, the fear that kids will judge you based on this game is put on his shoulders. Also the pressure of getting past the block and the receiver. The block isn't too hard to avoid or get through, the problem is that Itami will go wherever the ball will, making it extremely difficult to score points.

With this weight on him, he decided to spike to Tendō really hard this time. Tendō shanks it and it flies with incredible speeds towards our of bounds to the back. It was about to hit the floor when I saw a swift beam of color zoom to the ball and receive it. The girl launched herself into a flying receive, she stuck an arm out and sent the ball flying towards the front of the courts where Semi easily spiked it down, slamming the ball against the cold ground. Everyone was drop dead silent, they just witnessed a girl who received every single ball from Wakatoshi himself, and received all of them perfectly. Everyone, except for the boys volleyball team and Itami, walked out in awe. I left the gym why my jaw lying on the ground, looks like we have ourself one hell of a Libero. I honestly didn't think she was that good, Ive seen some epic saves from her by watching TV games but it hits different when you see her playing up close and in real life. She truly deserved to be the top female Libero, which consisted of high school, college, and professional players.

The Libero runs the back of the court, using their height to their advantage rather than treating it as a downfall. But this girl... she was truly something far more incredible than you could ever imagine...

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