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I was so close, yet so far. My goals had become a fantasy. My heart ached and my head throbbed. Maybe it was for the best. I wasn't needed in the school. Atleast I got to play one more match, atleast I got to see Eita one more time, atleast I got to feel what emotions were.

I saw the dreams crumble before me, everything I had ever dreamed of was crushed. I looked up to see the bright sun, it's rays crashing down on me causing all the weight from my past to just disappear.

I felt lighter, the breeze almost lifting my helpless body away. I closed my eyes and saw the image of a determined boy, smiling at me. His deep black eyes piercing through me like a bullet, his messy ash blonde hair swaying with the movements of the wind and his footsteps flowing with the rhythm of the sea. I felt the soft touch of his calloused hands as he hugged me. The warm and secure feeling I felt when he hugged me all of the sudden disappeared.

He was gone, I was gone.

I realized that I wasn't ready to let go. I couldn't let go.

But what took that off my mind is when I realized I would see my parents again for the first time in ages. I would face my biggest fear. I knew I was ready, I let go of my past. I let the sound of waves carry me up into the sky, my head's pounding rhythm slowly dying. I saw the two figure, they were my parents.

I'm coming mom...
I'm coming dad...

Another image of Eita flashed into my mind. I froze, couldn't move at all. I saw his sweet smile shining brighter than the sun, his soft face standing out.

Bye Eita,
I choked on my words as I whispered,

"Till we meet, on the other side"

Emotionless [Semi Eita X reader] Where stories live. Discover now