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**10 years ago**

"Alright everyone, find a partner to pass back and forth with!"

I was at my first volleyball training camp. My uncle had been teaching me volleyball for a while now until he decided to send me to this COED camp for a week. He and my aunt took care of me since both my parents are dead.

I didn't find a partner, I couldn't... everyone had one except for me. Nobody wanted to be my partner because I was emotionless. I was abused by my parents before they died. They wanted me to be a volleyball star just like them. I was never tall so they trained me to be a Libero since I was 4. I had fast reflexes but according to my parents, they weren't fast enough.

I thought I would be alone, when all of the sudden a little boy my age with messy ash blonde hair came up to me.

"I don't have a partner, want to be partners??" He held his hand out at me and smiled. I looked at his hand and nodded, but didn't take it. That would show my gratitude and affection towards the boy and my mother told me that having affection towards anyone could ruin my performance on the court.

We were passing back and forth and this boy kept messing up. Has he never been taught how to pass properly? I give up and come over to him.

"Get in your passing position" I commanded. He looked confused, but complied with my orders.

I then proceeded to fix his form to help him, because his form was TERRIBLE. I took his hands and connected them with eachother the right way. Then I gently adjusted his arms in the right position. I proceeded to then grab his hips gently and push them down, signaling to get lower in his positioning. Now he was in a squatting position. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed them back a little, enforcing better posture.

"Don't come out of that position, use your hips and a little of your shoulders when directing the ball somewhere." I monotonously told him. The unnamed boy nodded and I backed up into my spot. I threw the ball to him and he passed it straight to me. A huge grin spread across his face as I caught the ball.

"Good job" I said, still no expression.

"Thank you so much! I'm Eita Semi and I'm 8, what about you?"

"I'm y/n Itami, also 8 years old." I reply blankly. He gives me another thumbs up before we get back to practicing.

It was the end of the week and we were all waiting outside for someone to pick us up. Me and Semi ended up being partners the whole week. Semi's mom came first. Semi introduced me to her, I just bowed respectively and told her my name. Still, no expression or signs of happiness. My aunt came eventually and she talked with Semi's mom a little before they exchanged numbers.

"Now we can hang out more!" Semi told me while jumping up and down in excitement. I just nodded back at him.

As we waited for the bus to come, my aunt decided to talk to me.

"I know you don't like showing a lot of emotion or expressions, but atleast talk to the boy more! He seems like a good kid" she chuckles as we start to board the train. I just shrug and sit in the seat next to her.

As we got older, me and Semi got closer. We soon got to first name basis and hung out a lot. I was still emotionless but I did talk a lot more around Eita because it felt right. As we got older, I felt something different whenever I saw him. I enjoyed it whenever I saw him. I didn't show it but I could feel it. My heart would always skip a beat when I first saw him and my hands would shake a little. Was it love? Was it just a normal friendship feeling? No it's not... my hands just shake because of how many times my mother used to hit me till I cried. It was just a safety thing... or was it? I never told him about this feeling though, I was too scared and besides: it was NOTHING!

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