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Semi POV

Practice was over and me and the guys were changing in the locker room. I couldn't help but think about what Uso-Tsuki said.

"What a shame, I was sure she liked you even if she is emotionless"

Those words played on repeat in my head. I couldn't get rid of them. Can an emotionless girl really feel love? I wasn't sure. My head was spinning and I couldn't comprehend anything that I was told at practice. I was so focused on those words and y/n that I couldn't hear my teammates calling my name or feel them tapping my shoulder.

"SEMISEMI~~" I heard as I felt a hand slap hard against my bare back.

"OW! What the hell, Tendō!" I growled at I looked over my shoulder.

"Calm down Semisemi"he said as he backed a few inches away, with his hands in front of him.

"We called you and tapped you multiple times, but we received no answer from you, semi" Ushijima stated, "Tendō only did what was necessary"

"What were you thinking about, Semi-Senpai?" Goshiki asks. I thought for a second before hearing those words in my head again.

"O-oh it's nothing!" I say, but I can feel my face heating up at a rapid pace.

"Ooh is our Semisemi thinking about someone?" Tendō suggests.

"Of course not!"

"Is it, perhaps... Itami-san?" He teases. I freeze, then I blush harder than I already am.

"Yes..." I mumble so nobody can hear. But unfortunately for me, I'm pretty sure Tendō heard.

"It is??" He says with a teasing and shocked face.

"N-no of course I'm n-not! Are you stupid?" I snap at him.

"Your a terrible liar" Shirabu adds.

"Shut it, bowl cut boy" I say as I turn around and put on my shirt. I made sure to finish first, then I fast walked out and to my shared dorm.

Yamagata POV

We all watched as angry semi walked out.

"Must be that time of the month" Tendō jokes. I laugh.

"What does that mean?" Goshiki asks.

"I do not know the meaning of that either" Ushijima says. We all snicker, then I pat Goshiki's back.

"You both should go ask Itami-san" I jokingly say. Goshiki nods and finishes changing. Then he walks towards the door saying he's going to ask her. I quickly run to him with my shirt half on and I grab his wrist.

"Don't actually do that. It was a joke" I chuckle as I let his hand go.

"Then what does it mean?" He asks, Ushijima nodding in agreement. We all look at eachother and start laughing. Me and Tendō are dying while Reon sighs and goes over to the two. He pulls them both in and whispers for a minute. Ushijima widens his eyes a little, but no big reaction. Goshiki on the other hand, his ears turn bright red and he awkwardly stands there.

"O-oh" he quietly says.we all laugh again before I finish and head out to go to my shared dorm. So I can go talk to semi.

Semi POV

As soon as I got to my dorm. I plopped my bag down and sat on the edge of my bed. I opened my nightstand drawer and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. I opened it and smiled. It was a picture. On the left was a young girl holding up a peace sign, her face showing no emotions. Her heterochromia eyes were dark and broken. Her blue eye showed how dark she was on the inside, while her brown eye showed how broken she felt. Her
h/c hair that reached up to her shoulders was enhanced by the bright rays of sun. I was admiring the girl, with a smile smeared across my face when I heard the dorm door open. I immediately folded up the picture and put it on my bed. I stood up and grabbed clothes from my drawers.

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