Chapter 27.5✔️ Bonus

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I lied here you go !!!

Here is the bonus thank you again for staying and finishing the novel this is the first full-length novel I actually finished.

Keep in mind I have NEVER been to a wedding so if I make mistakes don't blame me I do not know what happens besides tv/movies.

This will be short I never intended a long chapter just a small chapter I wanted to add.😁

I dedicate this to you all ❤️

Bonus Chapter| 27.5

Two years later.

My heart was racing.

Today was the day of my wedding and boy was I currently a nervous wreck as Lissa was out there getting things under control.

Sitting in the room ready I patiently waited for the time to marry Dimitri and take his name. Sitting here looking out the window I began to think about the last few years.

Getting pregnant a year later after Greyson we had Annabella, Dimitri's choice in name this time we waited a bit for me to recover and hit the gym before we decided on a date for the wedding.

After Lissa graduated and Tatiana grooming her into royal society and probably one day take over as queen. We transitioned with me around more now that I wasn't in college during the week, I had more time with the kids making it earlier on Dimitri. Thank god Lissa was almost done when I went on leave.

Watching Greyson and Annabella getting bigger we knew it was time to get married being now twenty-one I had promised him when I was in my twenties, I would marry him. We even decided in a year to adopt but we wanted to do this first. After everything we went through why would we hold back when tomorrow something could go wrong.

Over the last few years Dimitri has helped get Sonya Karp back for Mikhail and succeed in being a dad and a killer guardian he was doing so well.

I was proud of him he is doing so well.

Just than a knock at my door made me break my thoughts.

"Sorry Roza, we wanted to see you before you walk down the isle to my son." Olena spoke Yeva pushing herself in making me roll my eyes.

"No problem Olena, I was just lost in my thoughts, good thoughts." I replied.

Months earlier we had planned to fly his family down for the wedding. After visiting and a lot of tears and thank you's, we introduced baby Greyson the miracle baby of the Belikov's which Olena went ballistic with excitement and both Yeva and I explained the blanket she made quickly in time for the birth which made her cry. She was also mad at her mother for not telling her.

Victoria and I had a talk which Dimitri intervened. Let's just say we finally buried the hatchet and made peace we will be family soon. She was also the aunt of my children.

"You look absolutely beautiful; I am so honored for you to join our family I don't think anyone else would ever truly be a match with my son like you." Olena spoke looking me over, holding her hands near her heart. "You saved him and gave him two things that were supposed to be impossible and I am forever grateful for that. They are one of the best miracles ever besides along with his recovery. Welcome to the family Roza."

"I told you it will take time, but he came home to you like I said." Yeva gloated making me shake my head.

After talking to Olena and Yeva for a bit Lissa joined and guided us to my post it was time for the wedding, it was time to be Rose Hathaway- Belikova.

Both holding my hand Olena and Yeva walked me down the stairs to my father.

My brides maids were already there, Mia, Laura and Lissa all stood with there with Abe who was looking nervous. Which made me amused.

Both Yeva and Olena went to find their seats giving me a quick hug and kiss goodbye.

"There you are you are almost late." Abe spoke jittery. You would think he was the one getting married not me.

"I am ready old man chill; I am still early." Getting into position we had our moment of chit chat before the music started.

Lissa who had Annabella in her arms as the flower girl walked with the ring bearer Greyson.

Guardian Jackson and Mia followed after before it was my turn.

Grabbing on to the old mans arm we began to walk. Walking down the isle I smiled widely at Dimitri.

Around us I could spot everyone I had invited, Dr. Jenny Miller who delivered Annabella, guardian's Knight, Grey and douche bag who I once broke his nose years back. Sydney, Sonya and Mikhail and everyone I loved. Guardian Brendan and Eddie both stood beside Christian on duty both being his guardians looked at me with awe. My mother looked like she was going to cry beside Alberta and Dimitri's mom and grandmother.

Walking down the isle memories from the moment I met him till now flashed through my mind until I made it to him.

Right there in front of them all I vowed to love him for the rest of my life. Right here I stopped running, I was found.

Running Yet  Found| VA    (Completed) Not-EditedWhere stories live. Discover now