Chapter 16✔️

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An: Chapter 16 is finally here !! Yay!  Just to let you know my fanfic will be 27-28 chapters so we are over halfway done.
This is exciting cause I never finish what I write so this is a big test for me. That is why feedback and votes and reads are important you guys give me inspiration when I see that to keep going ! To finish this . 

Enjoy chapter 16 and have a fantastic weekend! ♥️

Chapter 16

This morning was the most hectic day I have ever dealt with since Russia.  My nerves where shot the moment I opened my eyes this morning, I had awakened before the sun had risen. Continuously  preparing for tonight's events the moment I left my room.

Not only did I spill my tea all over myself, I almost tripped over my own two feet. Without Guardian Brendan close by to save my ass I probably would  have been in serious pain.

Picking up stakes I began counting the inventory Abe had ordered, while  I left my two handy guardians to make sure the other guardians where set for tonight, my job was to make sure we had enough fire power. We needed just enough to get us out safely, not sure how many Strigoi's Dimitri scrounged up I have to be prepared for the worst.

Putting the stake down, I ticked it off my list on the clipboard and moved on.

"Rose, your father has asked you to go into his office, he said he has last minute things for you to go over before we leave tonight." Guardian Shields spoke placing a hand in my shoulder , making me turn quickly to him.

Holding my hand to my erratic bearing in my chest, before saying. " Jesus man, don't sneak up on me."

"Sorry." He mumbled, holding his hands up in surrender. " I called your name a few times but you didn't  answer.

"Apology accepted, now what was it you wanted again?"

"Your father wants you in his office, it's important." He answered.

"Alright thank you ." Nodding, Guardian Shields  but his farewell and exited the room.

Placing my things down,  I go to see that  Abe wants.

"You called?" I asked Abe, entering his office.

"Yes a few actually ." He mumbled flicking through files, not looking at me. "Sit down."

Closing the door behind me I go and take a seat. Than waited  a few  moments for him to speak in silence, but nothing came.

"So... why did you want me here again," I asked. " You look a little busy  and I got stuff to do, why don't I come back later." Getting up from my seat.

"Sit your butt down young lady and give me a minute ." He ordered, making me sit back down in my seat. Followed by a ' Ah there is it', while waving the folder he was searching for.

" Alright young lady, now before you go on this suicide  mission and put my heir in danger," making me roll my eyes."  I would first like to say good luck and make sure to put your protective gear on before you go. My grandson doesn't need a kick to the noggin, the boy is to be a genius. Also stay out of fighting unless you desperately need to," he ordered. " If you have no cover or Guardian to take your place in the fight, I want you to send the bastards to hell. If there is someone available to take your place back off and let them take over."

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