Chapter 13 ✔️

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AN: Sorry it's late and will have mistakes!
I'm not professionals so this whole chapter was the best I could do on a "Misson" type chapter so please me nice if it does not flow 100% perfect.

Chapter 13

"Hello mama dhampir," A familiar voice flirted out, instantly making me grin. Boy was I ever glad to see him. Parking his ridiculously flashy 1966 Ford Galaxy 50 his dad bought him. Getting out of his car, Adrian makes his way over to hug me tightly. Yes, I definitely missed him alright.

Sydney's eyes widened at the sight of the car, figures she would go nuts over the car at a time like this. What got me startled was that she didn't even bother to acknowledge Adrian's presence. Nope the car was her eye candy this moment.

"And who is this beautiful young lady," Adrian directed his comment to Sydney. "The name is Adrian Ivashkov." Holding his hand out to shake.

Who in return, cringed at him.

Ouch. Talk about a smack to the face. The worse part is even Adrian is caught completely off guard. Poor guy, to finally met someone who wasn't flattered by his charm.

"Anyways,"Narrowing his eyes at Sydney, in a not so Subtle way either.

This is going to be a fun mission, these two are going to give me a headache.

"How is baby Dhampir, from the aura I'd say pretty well," Making me perk at the tidbit of my child. "Definitely can see more now that we're face to face and not in a spirit dream, but man it's aura is bright. Definitely spirit related too." Making Sydney's eyes widen with interest.

"What about spirit, auras and baby," She asked, hoping to find out more about my still to be named baby.

"Not now," I interrupted, shaking my head . "We need to get moving, before it gets too dark out. Or do I have to remind you Strigoi are out after that."

"I know you need all the help you can get, but shouldn't you be behind wards young lady, that's even more of a reason for you to not be out."Adrian chastised, Sounding like Abe.

"I can handle myself thank you,"Not that I should be defending myself, everyone needs to quit suffocating me like I am not capable of taking care of myself. "Besides we got business to do, the main object is for you and Sydney is to be charmed with a disguise with spirit and get in and out quickly as possible." Getting down to our main goal.

"Guardian Brendan and Guardian Taylor will be guarding you, to and back from the building. Inside your on your own, I will be in the van with a few other Guardians posted near by, as I listen through these microphones and watching through the tiny camera installed in Sydney's broach." Pointing to the hideous thing on her coat.

"Wait, wait before we go on, how in the hell did you get your dad to let you in on this plan again?" Adrian questioned, taking a cigarette from his coat pocket, than lighting it up. Of course he'd ask me that.

"For god sakes Rose! Your pregnant." He groaned, blowing the smoke away from me.

"Well... about that..." Thinking back to my talk with the old man.

" Little girl, don't get me wrong it's charming you are like me when I was your age, but we have already moved three times already." Abe sighed clearly frustrated. What ever happened at court must have been really bad. Then again I haven't exactly been the most patient and good daughter either. But sometimes, you just got to say screw it and take action. "Not even that, your five and a half months pregnant, or have you seem to have forgotten."

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