Chapter 11 ✔️

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AN: Sorry it's late or the best. Finished it while I was hungover so I didn't want to not give you anything !  Vote, Follow, Comment and most of all Enjoy! ♥️

Chapter 11

This was one of the best days I could have ever  experienced.

Honestly I don't think anything could ruin this day, the sun was shining, the birds chirping.

In this moment it was refreshing.

Spending the morning watching all of my friends graduating was magical, even if I couldn't be there to graduate too.

Not having the best view didn't stop me from missing there big day  through her eyes. Truthfully part of me was jealous, especially watching Eddies trials last week through her eyes. It should have been me kicking some as out there, instead of  hiding with my father broke and  pregnant and being stalked by my undead lover.

Not even that, I can't even save Dimitri on my own anymore. Instead I got two guardian following my every move. I've gained about ten pounds since my birthday, and this damn heartburn still won't go away.

Besides the negatives body issues and crazy Strigoi boyfriends in my life, the other best experience I had ever experienced was that of a fluttering kick from of my baby boy. 

Oblivious of course I was nervous that morning when it happened, thank heavens Guardian Jackson was there to grasp what in the heck I was experiencing. Due to the lack of Mother and being helpless in maternal knowledge, I was clueless on my role and understanding what was happening to my body.

The child still to be named decided to grace my presence with fluttery feeling, letting me know he is there even when his father wasn't. Our child filled the empty feeling in my heart after Dimitri's awakening. Apart of me may never recover from that day, though I had something to gain from it making it easier to hold on.

"It's okay," I muttered rubbing my swollen stomach, before throwing a pair sweat suit on. " We'll  get your daddy back, even  if its the last thing I do so don't you worry, okay."

Followed by the fluttery feeling of his presence, it put my mind at ease.

"Rose would you come here for a minute." Abe asked from his office as I was walking by on my way to the kitchen for an afternoon sandwich.

Rewinding my last few steps, I advert my direction to his office. "Close the door please."

Doing as he asked and closing the door, I look to Abe and Pavel both looking at me silently.

"What," I bellowed. " Your creeping me out."

"Have a seat we have some things to discuss." Abe answered, gestured at  seat in front  of him.

Taking a seat, I suddenly felt like I was in Kirova's office getting punished for something I may have or haven't done. The only thing different was  I didn't do anything, and it wasn't my headmistress but my father.

"So what is it you wanna chat about?" Shifting in my seat. Why am I nervous ? I didn't cause any mischief lately , which is  surprisingly not me. Well I guess that's gotta wait till he is born. Sighing to myself I suddenly felt melancholy.

Clearing his throat, drawing me from me taking to myself, Abe got straight into business. "We have a few things to discuss, starting with your progress on their training,"Reminding, how weird it was it be the mentor instead of the student.

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