Chapter 1 ✔️

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Chapter 1


My dearest warrior, you seem to have forgotten yet another of my many lessons.

Never turn your back unless you know your enemy is dead. My letters just  proves you failed yet again, first you hesitate ,now this Roza. It seems that when we meet next you will suffer the consequences of your actions,  though I'd hate if something where to happen to your mother or friends, especially the princess. You have one week to leave the academy, or the academy will suffer the same fate as the night we made love. Flee and I will hunt you down until I find you.

Unfortunately my love,  you have caused to much of an uproar in the strigoi world to change you, but it will be my hands who take your life. Don't think you can hide from me, I will stock to the end of the earth find you, I will always find you my love, I have eyes and ears everywhere.

Don't forget,One week  or I burn everything standing in my way.

You belong to me.


Trying to not break down crying I set the silver stake down and  try to figure out my next step, I  knew I couldn't stay here knowing  I could put my friends in danger, personally I couldn't jeopardize their lives.

Dimitri's knowledge of St Vlad's, from strength to  weaknesses and the attack a few months back we wouldn't last long.

Pulling my gym bag out from under the bed, I packed the few things I owned and dialed Abe.

"Well hello, I didn't expect you to call so soon," Abe's voice answered, curiously." Shouldn't you be studying or doing what you Guardians in training do?"

Rolling my eyes, I had a funny feeling what I'm about to ask is going to bite me in the ass. "Well old man, my undead lover is still alive and threatening to kill my friends and burn the world to get to me," I sarcastically replied. "So if you could kindly get me out of here, that would be great.''

"Oh, he's what now,"he  yelled infuriated with what he heard. "What do you mean he's still alive, I thought you killed him!"

"Well I'm sorry old man, its not like I planned for this to happen," Panicking, as I prepared my departure out of this academy. "But I cannot stay here, It puts everyone I love in danger, but I don't have the luxury to disappear.

After a few moments of silence, followed by Abe clearing his throat. "And I can help you how?" he asked, sounding amused. ''you do remember you are in wards."

" Well for starters you wouldn't want your only child dead would you? Or maybe the end of the Dragomir line, because Abe he wont stop until he kills me."

Trying to keep myself from breaking down and my world was spiralling, Abe's  smart mouth wasn't something needed at a time right now.

"Daughter eh, what makes you think your my daughter?"Abe questioned with laughed, making me roll my eyes with annoyance.

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