Chapter 7 ✔️

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A/N: this chapter may have a lot of mistakes I wanted to really post and didn't really edit so much. I got excited 😅😂

Chapter 7

"Your majesty," Lissa spoke, that same afternoon she arrived at court as she received Dimitri's letter. After finishing my trials with Pavel and my temporary guardians and passed,I  then took the free time to relax in my room,  but also to check in on Lissa and Tatianas meeting for Lissa and partially bored and selfishly wanted to spy. After speaking with my father about the latest threat from Dimitri and my concerns about Lissa's safety after recovering the letter I knew I had to tell someone as soon as possible. No matter what Lissa felt on the matter someone needed to know, her safety comes first. They come first. To the world she was the last Dragomir, a precious delicate girl, a treasured Moroi princess, but  to me she was  my best friend. A sister I would lay my life down for.

"You had wished to see me."She spoke curiously.  Not really sure what the sudden visit was for, Lissa was the kind of girl to be there on time when asked to.

"Ah yes Vasilisa, please do come in," Queen Tatiana spoke, causing Lissa to internally cringe at her full name. "I did ask you to come see on short notice and I've lost track of time, my apologies. Do please take a seat." Pointing to the chair in front of her. Looking at her surroundings, Lissa looked, off to the left  side  of the room and spotted my mother, standing still guarding the room along with a few top royal guardians standing guard. 'Mom? Weird, what was she doing there she isn't a royal guardian?' Even Lissa was confused on the appearance of the famous Guardian Hathaway. Taking a seat gracefully as usual , Lissa kept her attention on the Queen without breaking  a sweat.

"We have a few matters to discuss, your future guardians and your future after you graduate in a few months." Bringing me fully to her attention.  "First we can discuss  what you thought about your academic future?" Tatiana asked, curious about Lissa's plans. When I returned to Russia we both sat down and talked about she going to Leigh University, I thought. But then I left before due date to apply, so it looks like that plan went to shit. "I also remember mentioning in our last meeting that I would like you to be my successor."

Giving Lissa a fantastic  opportunity, that many would kill at the chance to have. Different emotions where running through Lissa's mind as she hasn't spoken her mind to Tatiana, she was worried about me even thought I've told her to focus on herself right now. "Why do you hesitate child," Tatiana asked, curiously. "Could it me that you are worried about Rose." Causing both my mother and Lissa to look at her questionably.

"Don't you worry about the girl, she is safe, the Hathaway girl is strong like her mother she will face what she needs to face and still graduate, which is why I'd like to discuss the other reason you're here." Lissa's relief and happiness cause through to me in waves. she was glad  to hear from the Queen that I was okay. We've only shared a handful of messages but since I'm in hiding I couldn't really go into detail on my current status, especially through the a phone.

"Sorry your majesty, I still would love to attend Leigh University, I just assumed I would be going going with Rose." Lissa gloomily spoke, causing me to shrink. The thought of my best friend down because so couldn't go with her to Leigh causes my heart to break. "Would it be okay it I could start a bit later? Causing me to feel guilty, we had both planned to attend Leigh for quite sometime now and the thought of me not attending also makes me feel nauseous. Lissa was hurting and I couldn't consul her in anyways and that makes me feel mad. Mad at me for not killing Dimitri. Mad at Dimitri for not dying and for not leaving me alone and threatening my friends and family. I'm mad at fate for handing me a shitty deck of cards, so I hope the bastard has a few shiny gold cards tucked away cause I'm sick of this negative bullshit.

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