Chapter 18✔️

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(5,181 Words)

A/N: its currently 5:50am.

yes I am up late writing to post this. 1) thank you for the feedback. 2) Just wanted to share that this is technically my first novel(Fanfic) i have written because I NEVER finish what I start. the previous version was like 3 paragraphs per chapter. 3) Vampire academy is one of my favorite series so I thought it would be perfect to complete my goal by finishing this story for you guys before creating my own Novel to someday publish.

Anyways enough of my rambling Enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 18

The first thing I could my mind grasped what someone calling my name. the voice was angelic and familiar.

Lissa, Is that really you? I thought to myself, hoping I was not imagining that voice. Peeling my eyes open to bright lights I quickly closed them.  Trying again, I slowly opened them to the lights I attempt to focus my eyes. Looking to my left sat a smiling Lissa, through her bond she was feeling mixed emotions.

Lissa was excited to see me back, as well as pregnant. She was also sad and a kind of mad. Mad? What is Lissa mad or sad about. Trying to dig deeper she but she then blocked me. Weird?

"How are you feeling?" Lissa asked, concerned. "The doctors said you and the baby is fine but wanted to wait until you woke before letting you check out. Unfortunately, Adrian is still out cold, all that spirit and lack of food and blood has wiped him out cold."  Nodding her head to my right side.

Beside me laid a sleeping Adrian, peacefully sleeping and alive, thank god.

"Where is Dimitri? Is he alright, did they hurt him?" I asked, hoping maybe he was alright and not hurt. Lissa looked sad, not in a sad I just killed your puppy but a its not going well face.

"What is going on, is he alright? Lissa where is he, is he okay?" Starting to panic.

"He is alright for now, they have him in the cells until Queen Tatiana and the Council comes up with a verdict." She explained carefully. "Your father has been working endlessly since you've arrived to try and find a way to let him out of the cell, but Tatiana has asked him to wait for you and Adrian to wake up."

Getting up from her seat she gave me a hug. "You have no idea how happy I am to have you back, different circumstances would have been better, but I am happy your home." Causing me to break down in sobs.

Lissa held me as I cried everything out. Cried because I missed Lissa, cried for Dimitris punishment and I also cried for the comatose Adrian who was oblivious to my hysterical crying.

Ten minutes later, a stuffed-up nose and a blotchy face I finally got myself together. Wiping my face with a tissue I wanted to catch up with Lissa, but before that I wanted to know where the hell I am.

"Uh Lissa, where exactly are we?" Looking around the tiny furnished medical room. "I've spent a fair share of my life in the infirmary and this one is kind of odd looking."

|Lissa giggled, making me look at her confused. "Well, I should hope it would look different, this private infirmary belongs to Queen Tatiana." Making my mouth to drop.

Queen Tatiana? This is her private infirmary, why am I in here?

"I know that look to well and relax, she ordered you two to be located here."

"Yeah, but why? Adrian, I get, but why am I here when there is a dhampir infirmary on the guardian resident side of court." I questioned.

Lissa looked thoughtful for a moment. "Maybe its because your pregnant?" She guessed, shrugging her shoulders. No, I do not think its that, the bitch don't got a nice bone in her body.

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