The Morning After

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The next morning, Elsa awoke on her own which was stange. Usually her mother or father would wake her for school. Though concerned, she knew that she needed to get her siblings up and ready to go to school.
"Anna and Olaf, time to get up! Lets go everyone."
She said as she went into their rooms and turned on the light switch. They both groaned and Anna just put a pillow over her head before aa she tried to fall back asleep. That is when Ceske jumped up onto the bed and began licking Anna. Wanting both of the siblings up and walking around. Elsa made her way to her parents room to find Iduna with her arms around Agnarr, her head on his chest. Covering the large snowflake scar that was in that area. Elsa came over and gently shook her mother.
"Mama, it's morning. I got everyone up and they are getting ready. Is everything okay?"
Elsa asked as she looked around the room, seeing how messy it was from the X-men showing up earlier that morning. Iduna woke up after feeling the gentle shakes from Elsa. Opening her eyes, she quickly pulled the covers over Agnarr's chest to cover the scar. Looking over at the clock, she rubbed her eyes and shook her head.
"Elsa, I am so sorry. I should have been up by now. You all will be late if you wait for Agnarr and I, so please get ready and go to school. I will text you all later about what is going on." Elsa nodded at Iduna before staring directly at Agnarr.

"What's wrong with dad? He looks cold and pale." Elsa stated softly, not wanting Iduna to get upset with her for asking. Iduna sighed, understanding that they would no longer be able to hide his condition. Pushing the sheets away from her, Iduna stood and wrapped her arms around Elsa. Giving her a warm embrace as she tried to think of what to say.
"We are not sure yet, Professor Xavier said that we would speak today about it. When we know, we will tell all of you. I know how stressful yesterday and last night was, but try to smile today."
Elsa hid her face away in Iduna's shoulder frightened by the idea of losing her father.
"I hope that today is better than yesterday dor you at school. How do your burns feel?"
Iduna asked, hoping that Elsa was feeling better. Elsa looked down at the floor, the scars that the burns had left behind were quite painful still. Unwrapping her hands from the bandages, Iduna looked down and tried her best not to show the pain in her eyes. They scars which were still quite red and in the process of healing.
"They are very warm and itchy, I have been fighting with myself to keep the bandages on." Elsa said as she rewrapped her hands. Iduna looked at her.
"I'm sorry snowflake, I can"t do much for you right now. You need to go to school, I will bring you all lunch today to make up for last night." Kissing Elsa on the forehead before shooing Elsa out of the room. Her attention quickly returning to Agnarr, coming over to his side of the bed. She took his hand into her own, caressing it gently.
"Agnarr, what are we going to do? How will we ever explain your condition to the family?" Her words were accompanied by a few tears. Agnarr opened his eyes to see Iduna crying.
His hand lifted and moved to her face, Iduna appeared startled for a moment but then found comfort in his caressing.
"We will do the best we can, though it is going to be hard. You are the strongest one in this family, Iduna. I know that with you, we will be able to tell them the truth." Agnarr moved to get out of bed and Iduna quickly stopped him.
"Wait just a minute, what do you think your doing? Your going to topple over if you stand up and I cannot lift you up." Iduna placed her hands on his chest to keep him in bed. Reaching for her phone, she texted the butler.

"Can you bring a wheel chair up to the master hedroom?" Iduna requested as she looked down at him. His stubborness coming through his facial expressions. Iduna raised an eyebrow at him.
"Do not give me any of those annoyed and fustrated looks Agnarr. I am doing what is best for you so that you do not fall on that wonderful nose of yours."
Just as Agnarr was about to respond, a member of the staff brought in a wheelchair. Taking it to the bed, the staff member and Iduna both assisted Agnarr. Helping him sit down, the staff member then left Iduna and Agnarr alone. Iduna walked to the closet and picked out their outfits for the day. When she returned, she noticed Agnarr sitting with his head hung low. Moving in front of him, she pulled up a chair before placing her hands on either side of his face.
"What is it? Something is bothering you, I can tell." Iduna said as Agnarr slowly lifted his head to look at her.
"I-I don't want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life Iduna. What type of father and husband would I be? Not a very good one I imagine. You know it is a possibility."
Iduna bit her lip, knowing that his condition could cause him to lose mobility if it got severe enough. The pain lingered in her eyes as she looked at him intensely.
"You know that our children would treat you the same as they do now. My love for you will never waiver. I will love you whether you can walk or not. Now come, lets get you into your clothes and then we will head to Xavier's school."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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