The First Class

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The class made its way closer to Calhoun so that they did not miss anything. Elsa held Jack's hand and walked with him before listening to Calhoun like the rest of the students. But one student stayed further back then the rest. He was not one to interact positively with the other students. Elsa looked over to notice him standing rather far away from the group so she tugged on Jack's sweatshirt before whispering.

"Who is that? Why is he not close to the professor like we are?" To Elsa, it was strange to think that a student would feel out of place at Xavier's school. It was a sanctuary for people like her. Jack turned to look at the student and ran his free hand through his hair before grumbling.

"That is Hagan Øyerson, son of ambassador Alrek Øyerson. He goes by Pyre though because of his power-," Jack shook his head and quieted down before Calhoun could hear him. Looking over at Hagan, Jack shuddered. "Just stay away from him, he is nothing but trouble looking for a place to happen." Elsa scratched her head, she wasn't sure what that expression meant but she nodded at Jack anyway. Shrugging the shy young man off, her attention returned to Calhoun. But her staring got Hagan's attention, he turned and scratched his chin as he admired her.

"Hmmm, new girl? Interesting... she is quite pretty. Who is she with? Jack? That pathetic excuse for a human? Perhaps she needs to see what real power looks like." Hagan began moving closer to the crowd just as Calhoun began giving out instructions.

"Alright everyone, line up. I am going to put you against another student and I want to see what you would do to defend yourself. Nothing lethal, alright? This is practice only. I will come and coach you and your partner along the way. Am I understood?" Everyone nodded but Elsa hid behind Jack. Jack turned to her as he noticed change in demeanor.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jack asked, squeezing her hand gently. "It is okay, these are only practice. It's not like a real battle." He wanted to make her feel comfortable, but Elsa was terrified. She had never used her powers against someone on purpose, only her family on accident or when she was really angry.

"Jack, I haven't ever used my powers against someone. I wouldn't even know what to do." Elsa muttered under her breath. Jack was surprised by this but he understood that she somewhat frightened by her abilities.

"Just do what you feel is right. It will all work out." Jack smiled before Calhoun pointed to him.

"You, Jack will be against Pyre. You always talk big about yourself, well it is time to show it." Calhoun stated as she continued on, pairing Elsa against Sabrina. Bur Sabrina looked concerned and went over to Jack.

"Jack, are you sure you can handle Pyre? Hagan's power is-" Jack turned to her with a fustrated frown on his face. He grumbled to himself for a moment before responding.

"I know what his power is. I can handle him. I can handle anything that is thrown at me." Jack said as he got into position with Hagan facing him. A smirk covering Haganface as he spoke.

"Hope you didn't like having a girlfriend for long Frosty. Cause she is about to see what a real man with powers can do." Jack clenched his fists and scowled at him. Elsa turned, confused as to what Hagan meant. Sabrina got into position with Elsa, though her attention like Elsa's was on Jack and Hagan. Calhoun stepped onto a bench and yelled.

"Everyone ready?! Alright, when I blow this whistle you all go at it. On your mark, get set, go!" Calhoun blew her whistle and the fights began. She then came over near Elsa and watched her as she tried to defend herself against Sabrina's technological powers.

"Not bad Elsa, but do not fear your powers. Use them! You were given them for a reason." Calhoun shouted, this gave Elsa a confidence boost which provided her with the strength to defend herself. Sabrina and Elsa's fight ended rather quickly due to Elsa's inexperience. Her attention soon went to Jack and Pyre's fight. She finally realized why he was called that. In an instant, Hagan was man name of pure fire. Needless to say, Jack had very little chance of defeating him. Knocking away his every attack, Pyre threw Jack to the ground and stood over him.

"Well what are you going to do Jack? No jokes, no quips? That's not like you. Get up!" Pyre yelled before kicking him right in the chest. Calhoun turned noticing that Jack was down.

"Pyre! That's enough! Let him up!" She yelled but Pyre didn't listen. He hated Jack and this was the time for him to show his superiority. At this point, Jack was starting to get burns on his skin and had a difficult time breathing. Sabrina tried to intervene but Pyre put a fire ring around him and Jack. Preventing any help from getting to him. Elsa called out and tried to get close to the fire ring but was instantly burned by the fire. She fell to the ground as her arms and feet started getting first degree burns. Sabrina rushed to her side and pulled her away from the fire before starting to attend to the burns. Calhoun began calling in the other teachers to help with the situation. Tedashi, who was in his own fight stopped when he noticed the large fire ring. Then he noticed Elsa's injuries. Enraged, he ran straight into the fire and tackled Pyre to the ground. Punching him a few times.

"You idiot! You are going to burn the school down! Put out the fire ring, now!" Tedashi yelled as everyone watched, unable to help. After a few more punches, Pyre extinguished the fire ring before pushing Tedashi off of him.

"Get off of me, you loser! Couldn't just stay in your own fight, could you? Frost talks the talk, but he can't walk it. I simply proved that!" A few teachers began arriving just as the fire ring was extinguished. Tedashi grabbed Pyre by his shirt.

"We were never supposed to hurt our partners! You know that! You could have killed someone!" Tedashi was furious but he could not argue with Pyre forever. Racing over to Jack who was suffering from extreme burns, he reached down and touched his burns. It took several minutes but just like that, Jack was healed though still weak. Some of the teachers with medical related powers started to check on other students affected by the flames

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