A New Family Member

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Agnarr and Iduna rushed home in their car, frantic to see Elsa to make sure she was okay. Unbeknownst to them, another surprise was waiting at the house. Iduna sat in the passenger side seat, biting at her fingernails,  a habit that she created to handle stress and anxiety. Agnarr noticed and gently reached over to hold her hand to distract her. "I am sure that Elsa is fine, if she was healed right away then she won't have any major injuries." Agnarr said as he tried to comfort his wife. Iduna turned to him with the anxiety growing in her facial expression.

"But Agnarr, you know how Elsa is. She is.. sensitive. Ever since she hit Anna when she was little, it traumatized her. Luckily we were able to hide the fact that she hit you when she was young. But she was probably in so much pain, before the healers arrived. She could have scars or worse. I'm very concerned Agnarr." Iduna said as they got into the drive way. Before Agnarr could respond, Iduna rushed out the car door and into the house. Running up the stairs to Elsa's room. Agnarr swiftly followed behind Iduna. Elsa had come home from school and fell asleep on her bed, feeling exhausted. Iduna slowly entered her room and sat on the side of the bed, stroking Elsa's cheek gently. Breathing a small sigh of relief, seeing that there wasn't any major damage. Agnarr stood in the doorway and watched them, not wanting to wake Elsa up abruptly. Elsa's eyes slowly opened as she felt the comforting touch on her cheek. When she finally saw who it was, she sat up and hugged Iduna tightly. Agnarr then entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Noticing some scarring on her arms and hands.

"Why don't you tell us what happened." Agnarr said calmly as sat beside them, gently runbing his thumb over one of Elsa's hands. Elsa nodded slowly as she pulled away from Iduna a little. Playing with the sheets, she spoke softly.

"Well, it was our first class and we were learning how to defend ourselves with our powers and how to do it correctly. Jackson, the one on my phone was paired with someone that everyone falls Pyre. Jack has ice powers like me and Pyre has fire powers. I guess Jack had said that he could take on Pyre but he was wrong. Pyre got the upper hand quickly but didn't stop when the professors told him to. So Jack started to burn and I rushed over to help but even getting close burned me badly. I don't remember falling back down but I must have collapsed due to the heat. The next thing I remember was Tadashi moving me away from the fire and starting to heal my wounds. It was just.. horrible and now my feet, hands, and chest hurt in the areas where I was burned. I did get to see cousin Rana though which was amazing. She and I are about the same height now.." Elsa said as she breathed a soft sigh of relief, she needed to get all of that off of her chest. Iduna shook her sadly until she spoke about Rana.

"Rana attends Xavier's school? That is wonderful. I would love to spend time with that side of the family." Iduna said as she looked at Elsa. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that today snowflake. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. But it may not be a bad idea to wrap the areas where you got burned, just to keep them from further injury." Iduna stood up and went down the hall to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom. Elsa crawled over to Agnarr snd he hugged her tightly.

"It will get better snowflake, I promise. Its just a bit challenging because we aee new here. But I know that you will find some friends and hang out with them." Iduna soon returned after getting the first aid box. Placing some soothing lotion on her sore skin before wrapping it up. Agnarr watched for a few moments before turning to look at Iduna.

"I better go check on Olaf and Anna, see if they had good day at school. I'll be just down the hall, so just shout my name and I'll come right back if you need me." Agnarr said as he slowly moved to stand up, giving Elsa a kiss on the top of her head before exiting the room to go check on Anna and Olaf. He was going to be in for quite a white and fluffy surprise waiting for him in Olaf's room. Walking down the hall, he turned to enter Anna's room but she wasn't in there which was strange, so he moved on to Olaf's room. Opening the door, Agnarr saw a flash of white move across the room. Jumping back a bit before he looked down to see a 30 or so pound dog sitting on his feet. Olaf shot up and quickly grabbed the dog away from his dad.

"What ever happened to knocking?" Olaf grumbled as he struggled to hold the young dog. Anna, who was sitting on the floor looked up at Agnarr and her face went white. Agnarr was in complete shock, looking at his two children with a perplexed face.

"Where in the world did you get that dog?" Agnarr asked, his eyebrow raised trying his hardest to keep his temper in check. Anna looked and Olaf, sighing softly as she looked back at Agnarr.

"Ceske was digging in the trash, we found him while walking home from school. Come on dad, he is a nice dog. He is still a puppy. I know mom loves dogs, where is she? Maybe she will be on our side." Anna said as Olaf set Ceske down on the ground. He trotted back to Anna and crawled into her lap. Agnarr grumbled and looked at them.

"You both know that you cannot just bring an animal home like that. He could have a disease or something and-" Just as Agnarr was about to finish his sentence, a hand touched his shoulder and he knew exactly who it was. Iduna had come down the hall after hearing the commotion and her eyes lit up. Iduna was raised with dogs as pets, so seeing one with her family brought back great memories. She got down on the floor and Ceske ran right to her, licking all over her face. Agnarr sighed, there was no way that she was going to let him go now.

"Agnarr, stop being such a downer. Look at him, he is beautiful! The kids are old enough to take care of a dog now. We have a new home and a new life here, might as well get a new pet." Iduna said as she craddled the dog in her arms. Agnarr sighed and looked at his family for a moment before grumbling.

"Fine, he can stay. But I am not doing any of the work. He is your dog, not mine." Agnarr said as Anna, Olaf, and Iduna petted and played Ceske.

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