Stuck in Class

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That young man stood up and made his way over to Anna and Chris. "You done talking to the girl nerd? It's pretty clear that she isn't interested in you." The young man said, looking down at Chris. Anna looked up at the young man and scowled.

"That's rude, you should apologize." She said, defending her new acquaintance. The young man scoffed at Anna before smirking, his eyes piercing through her soul.

"He is a big boy, he can handle a little bit of criticism. If you want a ride on the wild side, I can show you that. I'm sure you've never had a man hold your-" Chris stood up, towering over the red headed man.

"That is enough Houston, go sit down before you hurt yourself." Chris snapped, Anna was stunned. Were they fighting over her? She hadn't been there but ten minutes. Hearing the commotion, Olaf looked up from his table to see what was happening. Noticing the two men fighting over his sister, he grabbed a sharpened pencil tightly in his hand. Houston pointed his finger at Chris, smirking to himself.

"Watch yourself Chris, wouldn't want to see you mess up your sweater vest. Blood doesn't come out well." Houston chuckled before walking to his table in the back of the room. Olaf slowly put the pencil down as he did so. Chris grumbled a little to himself as he moved to sit back down.

"Sorry about that, Houston is not my biggest fan." Chris said as he straightened out his clothing. Anna looked at him so confused as to what had just happened.

"Who was that? He doesn't seem very friendly. I don't even want to know what he was going to say to me." Anna asked, looking at Chris with curious eyes. Chris turned to her and sighed before he ran his hand through his hair.

"That is Houston Øyerson, son of Krei Øyerson, the ambassador. His twin is supposed to be going to a school near here but I don’t know which one it is." Chris said as he looked at Anna.
"He is nothing but a bully, unfortunately he is also very smart which is why he is here." Anna looked back at Houston just for second, there was something about his last name that sounded familiar to her but she couldn't figure out why. Shurgging it off as she listened to Chris before responding.

"Smart, huh? Well he may be but he certainly doesn't have manners. Wait, what did you say his dad was?" Anna hadn't really been listening until he said something about an ambassador. Chris turned to her and sighed.

"His father is an ambassador, I heard he is just as pompous as his children are. So it is no surprise that he is a bully. He goes after the younger students usually though." Chris said as he rubbed his neck. Anna's face turned pale with concern for her brother. Sure, he was annoying and intrusive but he was still family and she didn't want to see him get hurt. Chris noticed her change in appearance and tilted his head. "Is there something wrong?" He asked her, Anna turned to look at Olaf for a moment before returning her gaze to Chris.

"No, nothing is wrong. But it is very sad that he picks on the younger students. I'm sure he is just jealous of how smart and talented they are." Anna was not the greatest liar, but at this point, no one knew that they were siblings and she hoped that she could keep it that way for her's and Olaf's sake. Just a few moments later, Dr. Tulio Monteiro entered the room. He was the professor for the course and was well known for being a good teacher. But Anna's mind was still on Houston, both of their parents were ambassadors and that was going to come up eventually. She hoped that his family came from an allied country so that other conflicts in that regard wouldn't come up. Her thoughts were interrupted when the professor began his lesson.

After the class had finished, everyone filed out of the room and back outside to go to their other classes. Chris was quick to follow Anna and she didn't mind his company. He was not like most nerds who were skinny and short, he was tall and rather well built. She hadn't ever seen a nerd that looked like him so he intrigued her. "Where are you off to next?" Chris asked Anna, she looked at him for a momeny and then turned to search for her brother. He didn't have a map like she did. Luckily, Olaf hadn't wandered off too far.

"Well I have a thirty minute break in between classes. So I was going to get something to eat. Perhaps you could show me the best place around her." Anna said as Olaf approached her, staying quiet. Chris didn't even notice Olaf, he was extremely excited to show her around the campus.

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