Night Troubles

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Although the magic that Iduna had peovided allowed Agnarr to relax and breathe easier, it's effecrs faded. So during the middle of the night whilst sleeping, Agnarr began struggling to breathe due to his chest being so cold. But Iduna, nor Agnarr consciously noticed this. A few moments after Agnarr began struggling to breathe, Elsa awoke and sat straight up in her bed. All she knew was that there was something wrong with her father. She got out of bed and rushed to her parents room,  Iduna was still asleep when Elsa rushed in but was awoken by the sound of her feet on the hard wood floor. Agnarr was wheezing and drifting in and out of consciousness. Elsa quickly moved Agnarr on to his side to prevent him from choking on his own tongue. Iduna looked over at Elsa, her face white as a ghost as she held Agnarr.

"Call professor Xavier! Please Elsa!" Iduna pleaded. Elsa looked puzzled, why would she want professor xavier as opposed to the emergency services. But suddenly Elsa felt as if someone was in her mind, but only for a few minutes. Holding her head, she grabbed her phone and began calling professor Xavier. But before anyone could even answer the phone, the x-men jet was sitting in front of their house. Elsa rushed to the door and opened it to see some of the professors from her school including Wolverine, Professor Xavier, Calhoun, and Elastagirl. But there were two males with them that Elsa did not recognize. Both of which did not introduce themselves but went straight up to her parents room. All the commotion woke up Anna and Olaf who were stunned to find the x-men in their house. Elsa turned to Professor Xavier.

"Who were those men? How did you know to come? I hadn't even called you yet. My father is struggling, I should be there with him." Professor Xavier looked at her and smiled a bit.
"Do not worry about your father. He will be alright, he is the best of hands. But I would like to speak with you. If that's alright. I will have the other X-Men tell your siblings what is going on. Olaf seems quite interested in Wolverine. Anna may be too tired to care." Elsa turned to see Anna curled up on the couch in the living room trying to go back to sleep. Olaf, holding their new dog was talking Wolverines ear off. Elsa pointed towards the family room and walked with him until they got there before closing the door so that they could have privacy. Professor Xavier turned to Elsa with a serious yet friendly look. "The two mutants with your father name are called Archangel and Elixir. Both are powerful healers. They will make sure that your father is safe. We came because I sensed that there was something very wrong here in the house. Luckily we were nearby and able to assist your father." Elsa looked at him, still rather confused about how he knew to come to the house.
"Is there some sort of connection between us?" Elsa asked Professor Xavier and he nodded in response.
"Yes, as mutants, we are all connected. I am mentally connecred with almost all mutants. But this is besides the point, the reason I wished to talk to you more is becauee I could sense the magical bond between you and your father. You are very close, yes?" Professor Xavier asked, turning his wheel chair towards Elsa. She nodded slowly at his question.

"Yes, we are very close. My dad has helped me a lot over the years. Somehow I could feel that he wasn't able to breathe, I do not know how though." Elsa stated as Professor Xavier rubbed his chin. He knew why from viewing Agnarr's thoughts earlier that day, but he hadn't realized that Elsa did not have any knowledge of the accident where she struck her father. He understood why her parents would hide such information from her, but he was going to need to discuss the issue with Iduna and Agnarr first. They spoke for about 20 minutes more before Angel and Elixir entered the room.

"He is healed for the time being. But this is not something that can be cured." Elixir stated as he looked at Professor Xavier. Angel nodded in agreement

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