Jealousy Rages

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Tadashi led Elsa to her next class, making sure she was alright before she sat down. Elsa felt exhausted and the day had barely even started. Sitting down for only a moment before she heard her name being screamed out. "Elsa!" The voice said, but who knew who she was? Suddenly, it became very obvious and quickly changed Elsa's mood. It was Rana, her cousin from the kingdom of Corona. Rana had magical hair that could heal the sick and injured. It was quite a peculiar power but Elsa always found it fascinating. Rana ran over and hugged Elsa tightly, Tadashi tried to say something before she did so but it was too late. Rana was a hugger and Elsa knew that but never the less, she was still quite sore from the burns. Groaning just a little, Rana backed off and looked at Elsa. "Are you alright Elsa? You sounded like you were in pain." Tadashi turned to Rana, not to speak for Elsa but just to give her a good idea of what happened.

"Jack and Pyre went up against each other in a duel, it didn't go well for Jack. Elsa tried to help but was burned, badly." Tadashi said, Rana put her hands over her mouth in shock. Why would Jack even think about a duel with Pyre? There wae no way he could win in that situation. Rana looked at Elsa, slightly panicked but able to keep her emotions in check.

"Where does it hurt the most Elsa? Maybe I can help with the soreness. I have had to take care of many burns, most inflicted by Pyre." Rana asked, gently holding Elsa's hand. Rana was a very touchy feely person, someone who always needed to be touching someone else. Elsa looked down feeling rather embarrassed about the soreness that she felt she also knew that Rana wouldn't take no for an answer.

"My arms are the most sore. Thats where the worst burns were." Elsa said softly as she looked at her cousin. Rana was about two years older than Elsa but they still got along like they were best friends. Rana laid her long braided hair over Elsa's arms and closed her eyes, the haie started to glow and the feeling of soreness slowly disappeared. Elsa smiled and stood up to give her cousin a hug. "Thank you Rana, they already feel better." Rana smiled and they talked for a little while before she walked to her desk. Jack entered the room, he looked awful. Still covered in black ash, he barged over and looked at Tadashi.

"What did you think you were doing? Holding Elsa and caressing her outside." Tadashi and Elsa were both stunned by what Jack was saying. Tadashi stood up, he dwarfed Jack with his height. Elsa watched closely to see what would happen.

"I healed her Jack, she had 2nd degree burns. She got too close to your duel with Pyre." Tadashi said calmly, though his tone was stern. Jack looked at Elsa before returning his gaze to Tadashi.

"Well I think you were getting a little too personal. I saw you, I could tell that you liked her the moment we all saw her. Well she is taken, by me, so keep your hands to yourself." Jack exclaimed, wanting to feel more manly and tough. Tadashi looked down at Jack.

"And what have you done for her in the last hour? You got her burned! This is what happens when you try to go against Pyre, maybe you should keep the fighting against fire powers to a minimum." Tadashi said, his body tensing up and his fists clenching. Jack moved forward to put his hands on Tadashi when Elsa stood up.

"Woah, woah, guys stop. Jack, your over reacting. He was helping me, I was in a lot of pain." Elsa said in her calm tone hoping it would get the two young men to stop. But Jack was pissed, in his mind, no other man should put their hands on his girlfriend. Jack, with his fists clenched moved closer. Rana turned to them and put her hands out.

"Jack stop! You know that your powers won't affect Tadashi, just go sit down." Rana was not a fan of violence, nor did she want to see her friends hurt. That's when someone put a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"I think it's time you cool off Jack." The voice said, Jack turned around to mouth off but it turned out to be their professor. Lucius Best, or better known as Frozone. Jack grumbled and looked at Tadashi. "Fine, but this isn't over." Jack said as he went to go sit down at his desk. The rest of the day went by rather smoothly, no major problems anyways. Once school was done, Elsa raced to the car that was there to take her back home. Not even saying goodbye to anyone, she just wanted to take a nap. Arriving back home not too long after that, she went up to her room and collapsed on the bed. It had been a very long day and she needed to rest. It only took minutes before she was asleep, her body still recovering from earlier.

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