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"you what!?" i yell

i grab his shirt and lift him up but hes fucking taller than me

he puts my hands down, i try to fight it but this asshole is stronger

i pull back

"how the fuck could you do that!?"

"I wasnt thinking, it was my fault she stopped me automatically"

"it wasnt fast enough if you fingered her!, we were dating does that mean nothing to you! youre engaged and you finger fuck your little brothers girlfriend!?"


"Luke nothing! and you have the nerve to consider me family you know what fuck you! fuck everything! I knew she had a thing for you but this just shows how much of a fucking slut she is"

"Luke!!! dont talk about her that way!" he yells

"Stop fucking defending her! what did you fuck her too!?"

"shes a girl you shouldnt talk about any girl like that and you know it!"

"fact all girls are fucking sluts, hey Celeste lets go fuck"

i feel a stain on my cheek

it felt like a deep stain

he fucking punched me

"get the fuck out"

I knew punching him would make it worse, right now im boiling with anger, i feel even worst than I was feeling like an hour ago

i walk out to my car and it starts raining hard

I fucking hate everything and everyone

I lock myself in the car and start punching the steering wheel

I cry in anger

my body is shaking

I need to get this anger out and I need to get it out now!

I drive to the gym and head straight towards the boxing ring

"Luke you cant box you arent dressed for that and we are nearly closing" the manager says

"I dont give a fucking shit I need to punch someone or murder someone right now"

"get the fuck off that ring punch the fucking punching bags you prick"

if i couldve taken him down I wouldve fought him but this bitch is a professional fighter

im not risking shit

i grab the gloves and put them on and start punching the bag

im not gonna lie Jackies image pops in my head and I punch harder

Jack comes in my mind and i punch harder

Michael pops in my mind and I punch harder

Jack and Jackie pop in my mind and i knock out the bag from the hanger

I throw the gloves to the floor and walk away

im still shaking in anger, I got so many emotions i didnt even know existed

I get in my car and speed off

i drive and drive making semi stops at stop signs

i check the time and its midnight

she has to fucking be home

i park outside her partment condos and go up to her floor and place

i knock loudly

this bitch better wake the fuck up before MJ wakes up

after a few seconds i knock harder

about 5 seconds later she sleepingly opens the door wearing a white tshirt, no bra, and some short shorts

"Luke?" she yawns

i storm in and shut the door behind me

"whats wrong are you ok?" she asks

"you cant fucking seriously ask if im okay dont be such a fucking bitch and ask if im okay when you know perfectly im far off being okay because of your slutty ass!"

she completely wakes up after i said that "what the fuck"

"when were you going to tell me?"

"tell you what?" she crosses her arms covering her boob

I pace back and forth It takes my all to not push her against the wall and hurt her or grab her or fucking touch her

she doesnt turn me on right now even with that white shirt

im too angry to think of her in any sexual way

"you cheated on me with my fucking brother"

"who told you...."

"he fucking told me!!!!" i yell

"dont yell youre going to wake up MJ!!"

i sighed in frustration pulling my hair back


"it was a mistake I swear Luke, you know you mean everything to me , we were having problems you didnt even touch me hell it was when you were rejecting me"

"that doesnt make it okay!"

"Luke listen to me!" shes crying now "i felt like complete shit that day because i threw myself at you and you didnt want to be anywhere near me in that way and I needed you! i went out for some drinsk with your brother to drown myself in alcohol so I would stop thinking myself as a complete joke to you, Jack had more drinks than I did this wasnt planned i swear. Luke im fucking in love with you I wouldnt do anything to hurt you"

"but thats all you fucking do is fucking hurt me! I shouldve known you i was just a joke to you"

"dont say that!, i wasnt even that concious, as soon as I knew what was happening i got him off and got home quickly"

"dont give me that bullshit! you liked it and dont fucking deny it because I know you perfectly I know you have a thing for Jack!"

"Jack is hot but I dont want him in any way Luke, I just want you cant you see that?" she punches me and cries again

"yeah you want me so much you let my brother finger fuck you, you kiss him and you date your ex boyfriend who looks like colorful shit!"

"Luke please"

"no!!!! I knew no one would ever take me seriously I dont know why I even try every fucking girl is a slut"

she continues crying "i deserve it"

"fuck yes you do! I cant believe i fucking did shit I would never do just for you! I was a complete joke to you!"

"baby dont say that"

my anger is fading away now I just feel hurt

Im done caring for people

Nobody will like me I dont know why I thought that was even possible

or had the slightest hope that she would feel the same way but all she does is fucking play games

"look at me" she cries

I look everywhere but at her

she pulls my face down to hers and kisses me passionately

i kiss her back for 2 seconds and quickly pull back and push her .... not too hard but i push her away

"who knows how many dicks youve been having in that mouth"

"you know thats not true..." shes hurt and im fucking glad she is

"its okay, ive been fucking Anna and Mitch every single day too, which they both give me nonstop orgasms nothing like you ever did" I say

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