Chapter 34

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it literally took me 5 minutes to go up to the room with these heavy bags, alot of guys kept walking by and none if them helped me

rude assholes, their mom didnt teach them to be gentlemen?

i shake my head and walk in seeing Luke half done putting everything away

he glances at me and keeps putting everything where they belong

"Luke whats wrong?" I ask

he doesnt answer me

i kicked off my shoes and sighed

I helped him put everything away

i got the glass jar of cherries and accidentally dropped it

Luke rolls his eyes

"oh my god" I quickly reach for the napkins and accidentally step on the glass

"holy fucking shit!" Luke quickly turns over and sees the mess

"ill- ill clean it up" I say , I hold my foot up and look at the glass

Luke still doesnt say anything, he carries me to the couch and sits me down

"can you say something?"

he still doesnt say anything

why the fuck is he so mad I didnt say or do anything to piss him off or offend him

he disappears into the bathroom and comes back out with a wet small towel and a huge bandage

I automatically gets scared

I need to go to the hospital not his home remedies shit

"Luke say something!"

"stop moving and take a deep breath" he says

"what n-"

he pulls out the glass, it was way smaller than what i expected but it still hurt like a bitch

I let out a scream "that hurt!"

"no shit" he says

he cleans up my foot and massages it a little, he later puts the bandais and gets back up on his feet

"try walking tell me if it hurts"

i nod and walk back and forth to the door

"its fine"

"doesnt hurt?"

i shake my head "no I feel nothing"

"alright, let me clean this up" he heads to the kitchen

"Luke let me clean it i made the mess"

"just go do your homework or something"

the fuck

"excuse me?'

"dont you have school?"

"yeah but youre treating me like a kid"

"well you act like one"

"how am i acting like one? please enlighten me with your reasons Mr Hemmings"

"ew dont call me that"

"then tell me!"

"the way you acted with Calum"

"how is that a problem towards you? you werent even mentioned when I told him off or slapped him, I didnt even do anything to you why are you tripping over that"


"because why?"

"because Jackie damn! "

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