Chapter 37

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Luke quickly stands in front of me trying to "protect me"

I cant help but pull him back towards me

"now what could both of you be doing here?"

Luke doesnt say anything

"answer me!" Ben yells

"we were just leaving chill the fuck out" Luke rolls his eyes

"I need to talk to both of you" I speak up and i automatically regret it once i see the look on Lukes face

it looks like he just shit himself or saw a ghost I dont even know, he quickly turns to look at me "no you dont"

i take a deep breathe and mouth sorry to him

i step aside to come into view, Ben eyes me up and down and stares at me like if I was a joke

"what could you possibly want to talk about?"

"I need you guys to fix stuff right now, you both are brothers you shouldne be hunting each other. You're suppose to love and protect one another"

Ben and his guys laugh loudly "the fuck do you think you are"

"I dont need to be your mother to tell both you that youre acting like immature pricks who think theyre all badass but both of you are little bitches"

okay i shouldnt have said that but ..

Ben stares at me and walks towards me

Luke quickly pulls me behind him "dont get near her" Luke warns him

"what are you going to do?" he stands in his face

"Ben I already want to kill you for laying a hand on her so do not fucking try me"

Luke clentches his hands, Ben looks at his knuckles then at him and laughs

he turns to his men and turns around and knocks Luke to the floor

"I told you a million times you do not mess with me Lucas, no bitch is saving your life now"

His guys hold Luke down, Luke being how he is he tries to get up and punches everyone

my body is frozen, he did not just hit Luke......

"come here Jacqueline" he says angrily

i shake my head and step back

"I said come fucking here!" he grabs my hair and pulls me inside the house

I can hear Luke yelling after me

He takes me to a living room I havent been into and throws me on the couch

I suck up the tears forming in my eyes, I refuse to show weakness while trying to get this mentally fucked guy to get his shit straght with Luke

"Ben what did Luke do to you that you hate him so much..."

he laughs "what story did he give you?"

"im asking you, I want to hear it from you"

"did the story that he told you make himself a good boy and innocent and shit? like he told me?"

I shake my head "we both know Luke is no innocent little shit so now tell me... please" I sit up

he rolls his eyes

because he probably is getting killed right now i will

no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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