Chapter 22

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Michael and I spent hours dancing and talking about just everything

and again not New York or racing

"come here" he grabs my hand and leads me inside the yacht to what seems like a room i guess

the night was dark which made the room pretty damn dark too

he opened the door and lead me in, he turned on the light and there stood fucking Ed Sheeran and Niall

i rushed to hug both of them literally throwing myself at them

I still fangirl so hard over Ed fucking Sheeran I am still not worthy enough to be in his presence

"Happy Birthday" they both say

I thank them and we end up talking for hours just catching up

Niall begins explaining to us about his wedding in Ireland

"I need you guys there atleast 2 days before"

my mind trails off, what am I going to do with MJ I cant get his a passport that fast. I dont even have money for a new passport for him, who knows how he would be in the long flight

all these thoughts going through my head its giving me a headache I feel stressed


"sorry" i quickly snap out of it

"like i was saying, Sarah wants to meet up with you next week" Niall says

i nod "yeah of course, question. Why in Ireland?"

"because we are both from there?"

"Wait really?"

he laughs and nods "yeah, we wanted it where our family can attend" he says

i nod "oh okay makes sense"

"it wont be awkward right?"

i shake my head "not for me, im over it"

Niall turns to Michael "im not coming out and stand next to whats his name"

i roll my eyes. Why cant he do that for his friend? but whatever

Niall sighs and nods "yeah I know"

theres a knock on the door and the door swings open "i'm sorry to interrupt but the yacht is parked now"

"parked?" i asked

"we got to our destination which is back to where we departed the yacht from" he says

oh I had a blonde moment....

"right" i smile

all the guys stand up, Michael leads me outside and we all get off

"we will keep in touch" Niall says

"hey Ed?"


"can i please please please take a picture with you"

"yeah of course"

i rush to his side and take out my phone and take a selfie

correction, i was gonna take a selfie but i clicked the button so many times i lost count after 5

Michael then took a full picture of us

then with Niall, then will Michael and rotate then group picture and selfie

Niall has always been a Selfie person I dont know why

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