Chapter 31

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I woke up tossing and turning looking out at the clock on the night stand next to the bed

2:18 am

i sighed and tried to go back to sleep but failed miseraly

thoughts of Ashton and Ben come back and i start crying

I did nothing to deserve this, why is it that every time im happy some fucked up shit happens and I honestly dont deserve it

I dont blame Luke even when I should

you cant help who you fall in love with

i lay down looking up at the ceiling

i seriously cant go back to sleep, It feels weird to be away from MJ

I check my phone, I forgot to check it before bed

"1 New text"


just landed


just got home, are you awake? I miss you , I love you babe

crap I missed his texts

I quickly text him back

To Michael:

I fell asleep sorry but I miss you too , ill see you tomorrow I love you , give MJ a kiss and hug for me

i put my phone away and sighed

I miss them like crazyy

I spent another 15 minutes trying to sleep but I honestly got scared at the fact that Ben and Ashton can work together and get Luke and end up hurting either Luke, Michael, MJ or myself

I quickly get up from bed and go to the living room where Luke lays

"Luke, are you asleep?"

"hmm?" he wakes up a bit "Are you okay? whats wrong?"

"can you , uhm i cant sleep, can you sleep with me?"

"Jackie are you sure?" he says sleepily

he wasnt asleep but he was falling asleep

i nod "please" i grab his hand and he nods

he gets up and walks me to his room

i lay down under the blankets and so does he, he pulls be close to his bare chest

I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes

he rubs my back gently



"do you want to know the real reason why i gave Michael a chance?"

I dont know why i have the need to tell him but something tells me I should

he doesnt say anything, I look up at him and he stares blankly at the ceiling

i bite my lip and look out in the dark

"I was at a gas station and I saw you... you walked into an alley and I followed you just to make sure you were okay and uh I heard a girl scream and I swear I thought you were hurting her but then I... I saw you guys ... and you called her babe and.... well I thought"

"oh my god" he pushes me to the side and sits up

the moon light hitting his bare back, he leans his face in his hands and pushes his hair back "is that why you? oh god Jackie"

i sit up too and nod "yeah ..."

"Jackie... i have"

"shes Bens girl Luke .... why are you doing shit like that again"

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