Chapter 26

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we kissed, we made out

not heated but passionately with so much emotion, those movie kisses you see? that type of kisses

he sat on the couch and sat me on him just kissing...

I dont know what happened but it felt right, it felt perfect actually

I needed a little hope from him to keep pushing forward

then i remembered the slutty neighbor and pull back

he looks at me directly in the eye

i get off him and stand up

"no, you cant just say you love me after all the shit you did and said Luke its not fair!"

he nods "i fucked up, you fucked up but hear me out yeah?"

i nod

"I had to push you away, there is no way in hell i was letting Ben get to you, I did everything to make it seemed like I didnt want to be with you anymore because I know i had Bens people following me ever since i visited him"

i dont ask anything

"i know this is a bad day I will explain everything later just know that I love you so fucking much i had to sacrifice so much to keep you safe and I fucking promise you i will get MJ and Michael back and i will kill Ben and Ashton"

"no killing..."

"i cant promise you that" he says

i look at him with pleading eyes, I dont want him in jail

"fine" he says

he pecks my lips again

"tell me everything that happened including when you found out MJ and Michael were missing" he says

i nod and tell him everything

"wait what girl are you talking about, nevermind we will talk about it later come on lets go" he fixes himself and grabs my hand and walks out

"i- I dont have my car keys.... they should be with Ashton"

"i cant wait to see him" he says

i bite my lip and look away

he puts his arm over my shoulder and walks me to his car

he drives off "where was your car?"

i tell him the street name and he drives to it

as expected the car is no longer there

"he took my car".. i fadely say

"we will get it back dont worry"

all of a sudden my phone rings

Michaels name lights up with a picture of him cheesing

"oh my god its Michael!" i quickly answer the phone "MICHAEL CLIFFORD WHERE IN THE FUCK ARE YOU!? ARE YOU OKAY? HOWS MJ? IS HE OKAY? ANSWER ME DAMN IT!"

"calm down damn"

"dont fucking tell me to calm down!"

"im at the santa monica beach with MJ"

"what the fuck are you doing there!?"

"just come yeah? ill explain"

"dont move!" i hanged up "hes at santa monica, he wants me to go"

Luke nods and speeds up "did he sound ok?"

"he sounded like nothing was wrong"

he bites his lip and nods

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