Chapter 47

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"what the fuck is she doing here!?" I yell

"what are you doing here Jackie?" Michael comes closer "you need to leave I dont want to see you"

"so you sleep with this slut!?"

"yup" he pops the P

"you shouldnt be talking about sluts here because you win that game" Mitch rolls her eyes still not moving out of my way

"its none of your business fuck off!"

"make me" MItch steps closer

she literally doesnt even have underwear one what is she doing

"I came to talk to him not the trash in front of me"

"I dare you to say that again!" she yells


she slaps me , she fucking slaps me

I dont hesitate to pull her hair and literally slam her face into the door frame

"Jackie!!" Michael rushes towards us and helps bloody Mitch up

im literally in the i dont give two shits about anyone mood right now

"why the fuck did you do that for?!"

"no why would you have sex with HER!"

"you were having sex with him!"

"you cant possibly compare Luke to Mitch"

"why because you hate her?"

I told Michael about Anna and Mitch mostly about Mitch and what happened with Luke and Ashton but he hasnt forgotten much about Anna..... but he did forget that he fucked her the night we broke up

"because its fucking Mitch! i have my reasons!"

"you cant possibly think you're right and im wrong" he laughs

MItch doesnt stop bleeding and Michael holds her with one arm and covers herself with another

"just leave Jackie"


"get the fuck out" he slams the door in my face

I look down, blood stains on the floor

I frustately leave the building

I wouldnt be so pissed off if it wasnt Mitch or Anna but the fact that it is! and Michael never once talked to them or about them when we were together .. atleast no that I knew of

for fucks sake i hate everything, I kick a random car and end up hurting myself

this day couldnt possibly get any worst

I debate on whether to stay and wait or just leave

a few minutes later i decide to stay

more like interrupt them and drag her ass out

I go back up to his floor and bang on the door once again

Michael opens the door with his boxers on "I thought I told you to leave"

"we need to talk, no bullshitting this just talk"

"just talk" he says

i nod "please, we need this. We owe it to each other"

"being 100% honest?" he asks

i nod

he nods for me to walk in

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