Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to My dear boyfriend, whom I love dearly

Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 6

Marian jumped up and prepared herself for a painful death. The door swung open to reveal Lachlan, along with Guy and the two other men – Ralph and Damon.

“That’s the man!” exclaimed Ralph, “We saw him the other night when we killed the other man.”

Marian still had her disguise on, and wondered whether they’d kill her before they found out who she was.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you. Now how about you take off that mask so we can see your face when you die,” said Lachlan, taking a step towards her.

There was a loud thump and a crash.

Marian turned around to see Archer walking in through the door with his friends, all with their guns aimed at the other men.

“Mind if I join in?” asked Archer.

Marian took a few steps back towards him, getting in line with the boys.

“Boss, these are the guys who tried to save the man,” said Damon, pointing at Archer.

“Nice to meet you,” called Archer, pushing Marian behind him. “Now I suggest you let us go, we do have enough guns to kill you all.”

“I don’t think so,” said Lachlan, looking slightly pissed off.

“No? Okay then,” said Dan, pulling out what looked like a smoke bomb.

“Catch us if you can,” yelled Seth as Dan threw the bomb at them.

It exploded into a puff of smoke and they took it as their cue to run.

Archer grabbed Marian’s hand and ran out the door, followed by the rest of the boys. They kept running, not bothering to see if they were being followed.

"Get back here," bellowed Guy from somewhere inside the room.

“There are men at the front!” Marian yelled.

“No, there aren’t,” said Archer.

As they passed the front of the house, Marian could see two bodies lying on the lawn.

“You killed them!” she shrieked.

“Calm down, they’re just knocked out,” said Alex.

They ran all the way down the street and got to the car and jumped in, slamming the doors behind them.

Archer started up the engine and sped off down the street, trying to put as much distance between them and Lachlan as he could.

Marian looked over at Archer, got out her phone and dialled her home phone.

Archer glanced at her.

“I’ve got to ring my father, dance lessons finish now and he’ll wonder where I am soon.”

Archer nodded.

The others looked confused but asked no questions – they were still in shock.

“Father?” asked Marian.

“Yes Marian?”

“Hey, dance lessons are finished, but I’m going to be over at Lucy’s house just to help her with something. I’ll be home in an hour or so.”

“Alright Marian, stay safe,” said her father as he hung up.

“An hour?” asked Archer. “It won’t take you that long to get back.”

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