Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 25

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 25

Lucy put the last bag of groceries in the boot of her car and slammed it shut.

She had agreed to go have dinner with the boys – so long as one of them led the way, as she still wasn’t completely sure on how to get there.

Archer would travel in front of her to lead the way, and Alex would follow from behind to make sure Lucy was alright.

“A royal escort,” joked Archer to Alex.

“Whatever,” muttered Alex, getting on his bike. “Don’t go too fast for Lucy either.”

“Don’t worry. She’s safe – besides, she’s got her big strong boyfriend right behind her,” teased Archer.

“Stop saying that, especially around her,” hissed Alex, watching Lucy get into the car.

Archer chuckled at his friend’s reaction.

“Talk to you back at the clearing,” he said, walking over to his bike.

Lucy waited patiently until Archer pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the road. She started the car’s engine and followed Archer out, checking her rear vision mirror to make sure Alex wasn’t too far behind her.


Marian and Lachlan had both made their way down to the pool and now were both swimming at either end.

Marian was glad she had a few moments of peace to herself as she contemplated what would happen tomorrow – or tomorrow night to be more exact.

‘You’re doing this to ultimately protect people, especially now since you know Lachlan is up to something far greater than you or anyone for that matter could ever imagine. This won’t last forever, and when you need to really stand up and fight against him you will be ready for whatever you face,’  she thought, reassuring herself that she would be okay.

Marian looked back up and could see Lachlan still maintained a safe distance away from her – probably since his last memory of being the pool with her wasn’t as romantic as he had first planned it to be.

Her thoughts drifted back to Archer, and all the memories he had helped her create. Their first date, the moment they had fallen in love, the first kiss he gave her, the countless times they snuck off when she was grounded, the places they explored together and most importantly, the last kiss they shared before he went off to war.

“Marian!” called Lachlan, looking at her curiously.

“Yes?” replied Marian, trying to shake herself out of her daydreaming.

“I said your name a few times and I didn’t even have you acknowledge my voice – are you okay?”

Marian nodded quickly.

“Oh yes, I was just...thinking of some things.”

Lachlan smirked.

“About us tomorrow night right?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah sure. That’s what I was thinking of,” said Marian sarcastically. She knew that by being with Lachlan and keeping him at bay; Archer would give him the greatest run for his money by stealing whatever was kept in that vault.

“Marian,” said Lachlan, taking her hand. “I know you’re probably a little scared and nervous about it all. I’ve got all kinds of things that will help you relax and stimulate your senses fully, so just please trust me on this one okay? You’re in safe hands.”

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