Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 41

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 41

Lucas felt his phone vibrating in his pocket as he sat in the passenger seat of one of Lachlan’s cars. He reached into his pocket, but stopped himself from pulling the phone out as he could sense Guy watching him closely.

Lucas glanced over at Guy, who had his eyes fixed back on the road. He felt on edge being alone with Guy, there was something that didn’t sit quite right. Whether it was the fact he had helped Guy load a dead body into a car or that he had received a few unusual, dangerous looks from Guy, he could swear something was not right.

“Where are we taking the body anyway?” asked Lucas, trying to make light conversation.

“Far away where nobody will ever find him,” replied Guy coolly. “The place has been nicknamed by Lachlan as the Killing Fields, for obvious reasons.”

“Oh,” said Lucas numbly. “What’s going to happen to his girl, Marian?”

Guy snickered.

“Lachlan has a way of making sure people around him don’t step out of line.”

“Will he kill her?” questioned Lucas, trying to keep all emotion out of his voice.

Guy shook his head.

“I don’t know why, but she is the first woman that was able to captivate his heart. But there are other ways to show her he means business.”


“Archer and Alex are back!” called Tyler, who sat at the fold-out table, going over some papers.

“It’s about time,” said Seth. “How’d it go with that old geizer?”

Archer laughed.

“Very well actually. He will call us either tonight or perhaps tomorrow and confirm on when we can get a plane.”

“So it’s when, not if?” asked Dan, coming over to greet his two friends.

“Indeed,” replied Alex. “I tell you what he was piss drunk by the end of it though.”

“I made sure he wasn’t about to ask his friend until he was a least some what sober,” said Archer, rubbing his forehead.

“Is there anything else we can do in the meantime then?” asked Seth.

Archer nodded.

“Pack what we need, and hopefully get Lucy to buy us some extras. We don’t really want to get caught out by anyone right now, especially after Lachlan’s little idea.”

Alex’s eyes lit up when he heard the word Lucy.

“Shall I go tomorrow and have a chat with her?”

The boys looked at one another with their eyebrows raised.

“I thought Dan could go,” teased Archer.

“Yeah Alex, you won’t mind will you?” asked Dan playfully.

“In actual fact I would mind, so if you all don’t mind, I will personally see to it Lucy receives a visit from me tomorrow.”

Archer pretended to think about it.

“I guess you’d be a better man for the job, although I can’t really see why.”

“Just give me a list of things to buy and I’ll get onto Lucy tomorrow,” said Alex.

“I hope that wasn’t literal,” chuckled Tyler, pulling out a spare sheet of paper to write down the list of equipment for Alex to give to Lucy.

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