Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 33

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 33

“Say what?” asked Seth, nearly spitting out his breakfast.

The boys looked at Archer as though he had grown three heads.

“I thought we’d already discussed your idea was too far-fetched,” said Ryan.

Archer shook his head.

“I almost wish it weren’t true.”

“Wait, so you’re telling us your prediction about Afghanistan was correct?” asked Seth slowly.

“Yes,” sighed Archer.

“Woah, slow down speedy,” said Tyler, swallowing his food. “Just because we’ve found this out does not mean we can go gallivanting off to Afghanistan.”

“Why not?” inquired Archer.

“Because we don’t know enough yet,” Dan pointed out.

“By the time we do it might be too late to do anything about it,” said Archer.

“How about this then,” began Alex slowly. “We file some kind of report to the government department that’s responsible for these kinds of things, explaining what has happened with Lachlan and his plans. We could get Lucy to mail it to them and have it so if they do reply, she’ll get it delivered to her address and she can tell us where to go from there.”

Archer shook his head.

“We don’t have time Alex. And you know they’d say it’s not a threat because of security measures blah blah blah.”

“So you’re proposing we follow Lachlan over to Afghanistan?” asked Tyler.

“Yes,” said Archer exasperated. “We find out exactly where he’s going then we leave pretty much at the same time as he does.”

“How? We don’t have the money t-” started Seth.

Are you forgetting the vault’s money?” asked Archer with a wicked glint in his eyes.

“Okay, so we’ve got the money. How are we going to smuggle in weapons?” asked Seth.

“We’ll have to pick some up in Afghanistan,” shrugged Archer as if it were no big deal.

“You are being way too casual about this,” sighed Ryan. “It won’t work.”

“It will,” replied Alex cheerfully. “We’ll start to devise a plan now.”


“Lachlan,” called Guy, walking over to where he and Marian were eating breakfast. “I have an idea to make doubly sure those idiots can’t do anything with our plans.”

Lachlan looked up at Guy, swallowing a mouthful of food. Marian kept her eyes down and pretended she was already bored with the conversation. Guy glanced down at her before turning back to Lachlan.

“Would you like to speak in private?” he asked, sliding his eyes towards Marian for effect.

Lachlan snorted.

“You can tell me here, not like Marian’s going to run off and tell someone now is she? Besides, she should be happy to hear about our plans, after all the wealth and power that comes with it shall benefit her too.”

Guy nodded and cleared his throat.

“We’ve been able to find out who these guys are – just their full names but it’s a great bit of information. The leader of this little group goes by the name of Archer. All of them fought alongside the General during the war for a few years.”

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