Chapter 6: A Knight In Shining Armor

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I step back, "Well, my parents are on their way home." Lie, they had barely touched their food when I left. "I'm just going to go freshen up."

He seems to sense the lie, but doesn't call me out on it. I walk up the stairs, quickly, but not with an excess of panic, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. I open my door, rushing inside and locking the door behind me. Okay, just keep it together, you have no reason to think he'll do anything. But...something was pestering me nonetheless.

I sit down on the bed, dialing my mom as fast as I can. Pick up, pick up, pick up....nothing, I'm sent to voicemail. She must have her ringer off for dinner. I don't have His number, and Amy is on a plane to Florida. I'm doomed.

I lay back, determined to figure something out. As I move, something digs into my back. I pull it out from underneath my jacket, actually Alex's jacket. It's the kids menu. I guess I'm not that doomed, just desperate. I dial the number, silently willing him to answer.

"Hello?" His voice comes through the speaker. I've never heard anything so sweet, and I smile at the sound.

"Hey Alex, it's Elizabeth."

I can hear his smirk through the phone as he responds, "Well, well, well, I must say I didn't expect a call this quickly. What a compliment! You know, I was thinking, Elizabeth is kind of long, Lizzie works much better."

Tired and anxious I respond quietly, "Sure, whatever you want." The TV from downstairs gets louder, a reminder of what I still have to face.

"Lizzie? You okay?" He seems concerned, but I don't have the time to explain. I need someone, anyone, to get here now.

"I know this is weird, but are you doing anything right now?"

He slowly responds, "No, why?"

In one rushed sentence I say, "Um, could you come to my house?"

Silence. Then, "I don't have your address, but I'm free tonight, so, sure."

Pure relief floods my veins, I quickly relay my address to him.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes, are you sure everything is fine?" He asks the question again, concern evident in his tone.

"Just, um, just get here. Okay?"

"Okay, see you soon."

I hang up the call. Now, I need to calm down quickly so that I can get downstairs and let Alex in before George can. I head to my sink, quickly washing my hands and splashing some water on my face. It's okay. It's fine. I can do this.

I change out of the dress and into a sweatshirt and leggings, leaving his jacket draped over my chair. Ten minutes have passed, just five more minutes Lizzie. But, I'm thirsty, really thirsty. George is down there, but he's in the family room, and if I go around the other way I can make it, and be closer to the door to catch Alex.

I head downstairs, careful of my every movement. I grab a glass from the cupboard, adding water from the pitcher.

A voice drawls from the corner, "So quiet, I might think you were avoiding me."

"Oh, guess I was just lost in thought." I make eye contact, quickly looking away when his eyes narrow shrewdly.

"I'm sure." He steps closer, making to grab a glass for himself from the cupboard next to me. Now he's close, too close. Before he can move again, the doorbell rings. Alex.

George moves faster than I expected, "I'll get that."

He's moving towards the door and I can't stop him. On the one hand I'm not looking forward to explaining this to Alex, on the other hand I'm just relieved that someone is here.

George opens the door while I stand a safe distance behind him. Alex makes eye contact with George first before scanning the foyer until his eyes lock with mine.

Ignoring George he says, "Hey, Lizzie."

Responding the only way I can, I say, "Hey Alex, come on in."

Before he can step forward, George steps in his path. George is tall, but Alex is taller. George looks at Alex and says in an overly condescending tone, "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Alex's back straightens and his shoulders tense, responding with equal condescension, "Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I'm Alex, in case you couldn't tell from Lizzie and I's conversation."

George stiffens, an angry gleam entering his eyes. "And why should I let you inside the house?" My heart rate kicks up in fear. What if he kicks him out?

Alex looks over George's shoulder to me. I'm not sure what he sees on my face, but his eyes soften before he turns to George. He stares him down harshly before saying, "I lent my jacket to Lizzie. I was hoping to get it back tonight. Big ski trip coming up tomorrow, you know how it is."

George, obviously annoyed but not able to protest, steps aside. Alex strides past him swiftly, stepping to my side. There's concern and confusion on his face but I can't answer his questions right now. Instead, I calmly say, "Come on, I left your jacket upstairs."

We walk upstairs together, Alex one step behind me, a hand carefully placed on my back as reassurance of his presence. We step into my room and I move to the bed, sitting quickly. Alex locks the door behind us and begins to pace. I'm not sure where to begin, my heart still beating too quickly and my head swimming. I look down at my lap and focus on calming down.

"Lizzie," Alex says, and then pauses when I don't look up. Stepping closer slowly, crouching to my eye level, he says, "Lizzie, I know that's not your dad. So, who was that?"

He deserves the truth. I look up and say, "His name is George, he works with my dad. I came home from the restaurant before my parents, but he was here. He says my dad invited him. I got creeped out though, and my mom wasn't answering her phone. Amy is on a plane and I didn't know what else to do, so I called you."

He runs a hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "Okay, that's fine. A little warning would have been nice though."

I look down again, "Sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, I didn't know how to explain it. I shouldn't have called. I'm sure you have other things to do. You can go, my parents will be home soon. I shouldn't have bothered you."

He lifts my chin so that my eyes meet his again, "Whoa, slow down. I'm not going anywhere. You're not a bother, Lizzie."

I laugh quietly, "Great start to a relationship, huh?"

He laughs as well, "Hey, what are fake-boyfriends for? Now, we're going to figure this out, together."


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