Chapter 20: Karaoke Night

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Every step towards the kitchen, I see my life flash before my eyes. Opting for the naïve and apologetic technique, I step into the kitchen with my expression already fixed into one of calm and slight confusion.

My mom is standing on the opposite side of the counter and, disregarding my expression, begins to talk, "Now Elizabeth, I know you believe that you are free to wander as you wish, but this behavior needs to stop. I need you to come to me for approval. Your father means well, but he simply does not understand the dangers involved with teenage life."

"Mom, I am so sorry. Really, I had no idea I would be out so long, but his siblings all wanted me to come inside, and it was close to dinner, and I just thought I'd come home afterwards."

"I understand that, but we still have rules. To come home, only to find out that your daughter is not only not at home, but also with a boy for a whole night."

At this He walks into the kitchen, "Margaret, it's not her fault. She talked to me before we left, I didn't say anything. He really does seem like a nice boy."

I soften a little at that. I suppose I should stop calling him He now. Oh well. Bouncing off of my father's words I say, "I really am sorry, I'll talk to you from now on."

She nods and just goes back to her coffee, motioning with her hand for me to leave. Letting out a sigh of relief, I head up to my room, making sure to lock the door behind me, and then I realize I have hours until I'm supposed to meet Flynn. Back to square one.

Hours pass as I bounce from the TV, to my phone, to my book, avoiding the rest of the people downstairs. I eventually have to go downstairs to ask my mom about going to karaoke night, but she is luckily agreeable and I return to my room to prepare.

I curl my hair, pinning half up and leaving the rest to flow over my shoulders. I put on some light makeup and then slip on my dress for the evening. This is a form-fitting red one, pretty, but not too formal for a karaoke night.

I head downstairs, again coming face to face with George. He begins speaking, "I didn't see lover boy outside, relationship issues?"

I just scoff and say, "None of your business, George."

With that I grab my car keys and head to Dream Beans. I enter and immediately find Flynn standing behind the counter. I walk to him and lean in so we can talk over the loud music playing.

"Hello Lizzie. You look very nice to tonight."

I blush a little and just say, "You clean up pretty well yourself."

I take a seat at the counter and chat with him while he helps some customers order drinks. I've been there for about a half an hour when I see a figure lean against the counter next to me and say, "Sorry I'm late, traffic was horrible."

I turn fully and realize that Alex is in fact the person who is standing next to me. Ignoring the fact that this town has never had traffic a day in its life, I'm utterly confused at why Alex ended up here. He knew I was going to be here with Flynn, so why in the world did he show up?

I stand up and kiss him on the cheek, playing up the doting girlfriend role as I greet him. On the inside though, I'm still really lost.

"Alex! I'm so glad you made it."

Flynn is glancing back and forth between us, confused and possibly jealous. Ecstatic my plan is working, but still confused, I tell Flynn that Alex and I are going to sign up for karaoke and drag Alex towards the stand in the hopes of getting a moment to talk to him.

Speaking in a hushed voice I say, "What are you doing here?"

He shrugs but his eyes are constantly scanning the people around us as he says, "You wanted to make Flynn jealous? Well, here I am. Flaunting it is how we are going to get it to work."

I roll my eyes, but I know he's right. His eyes continue moving and there's a permanent scowl etched on his face. I turn and follow his gaze but don't see anything.

"Alex? What in the world are you looking at?"

But, just then I get my answer as I watch a decently attractive guy make eye contact with me and start to approach, that is until he looks over my shoulder and immediately turns around and goes back to where he was standing.

I turn around and say, "Really?"

Alex looks a bit sheepish, but only calmly states, "We're here for Flynn, not any of these douchebags."

I slap his arm at that but don't say anything else.

He then says, "Now that we're here, we might as well sing a song."

I'm skeptical, but what the heck, I suppose I can let loose for one night. Alex and I settle on a cheesy love song, and we take the stage to an overly enthusiastic crowd. My voice is good. I never pursued music, but it's nothing to be ashamed of.

We start into the song and I sing my part, then Alex joins in and I'm stunned. I never realized a good singing voice was an attractive quality in a guy, this was something else. We finish the song to countless cheers, especially front the female audience members and I say, "I did not know you could sing like that!"

He laughs, blushing slightly as he says, "I've sang lullabies to four younger siblings, so I've had a lot of practice."

I just shake my head in wonder and he holds out his hand for me to grab as we head back to the counter. Flynn congratulates us on our performance and strikes up a conversation, but I find my gaze drifting to the guy beside me and the hands intertwined between us.

It gets late and I say goodnight to Flynn before heading out the door, Alex at my side. He walks me to my car, but doesn't open the door, merely leaning against it. He's quiet for a moment but his gaze drifts back to inside the coffee shop and he says, "He's watching us now. I've got an idea."

I glance quickly to see that, sure enough, Flynn is staring out the window at us. I walk towards Alex at his motioning and he gently pulls me closer to him, clearing any remaining space between us. He leans down towards me slowly, and whispers in my ear, "You want him to be jealous? Kiss me."

I draw back a bit and look at him. He's serious. It wouldn't be my first kiss, it's not like I've never dated before, but this somehow feels different. I swallow a bit, but lean back in, tilting my head so our faces are aligned, and closing my eyes. One small breath and our faces would touch, but Alex does not close the distance. I open my eyes to see him staring back at me. Whispering I say, "What are you waiting for?"

He looks genuinely concerned as he just says, "Permission."

I'm glad he's double-checking with me, but if we wait any longer I'm going to lose my nerve, "Alex, I want you to kiss me."

With that, he finally closes the distance between us and as our lips meet I am struck with the realization that this is what people write novels about.

It feels like the joy when it's raining but the sun is still shining and you dance through the puddles.

It feels like the contentment when snow is falling on a world already covered in white while you sit curled up with a book by the fire place.

It feels like the comfort the first time you walk in your house after being away for a while and you know you're finally home.

It feels like the wonder when you walk through those tunnels in an aquarium where all the fish swim around you and you can't help but realize what a large world it really is.

It's every little moment at once at full intensity, and yet the kiss lasts only five seconds at the most. We're both breathing heavily afterwards, even though it was no more than a peck.

I don't want to voice my thoughts though, so I only step back and let him open the door for me. I drive off as he walks to his car and try to shake off whatever daze I have fallen into.

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