Chapter 3: Coffee Shop Boys

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"So...babe," Alex says with a teasing glint in his eyes, "I expect you have a good reason for being late?"

"Sorry babe, I was just so caught up with..homework."

"On a Saturday? During break?" He asks this with a light tone, obviously amused by my lame attempt at an excuse. I am not going to win any Oscars for this performance that is for sure.

"Oh, you know me, always getting ahead..."I trail off mid sentence and blush a bright crimson as I notice Flynn headed our way. At the look on my face Alex turns to glance behind him.

"So, he's why you're in here? That makes sense," he says with a self-satisfied grin, pleased with his detective skills.

I hiss in response, "Yeah whatever, you're a real Sherlock Holmes figuring that one out. Just keep with me, please?" At this point Flynn is close enough that I am becoming desperate.

Alex's only response is a little smirk. I'm seriously regretting my choices at this moment.

"Hey Lizzie, how's it hanging?" Flynn is standing at the end of our table now, looking at me with something akin to confusion in those beautiful green eyes.

"H-Hey Flynn, I'm great, h-how are you?" The words get caught as I take in his messy blonde hair covered with a black beanie.

Across from me, I watch as Alex attempts to control his laughter at my poor attempt at nonchalance.

"Oh, I'm doing great thanks for asking," he then turns to Alex and says, " I've seen you in here before but I don't believe we've officially met, my name is Flynn."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alex." He turns to look at me then and grabs the hand I was currently using to pick at the table covering, "The boyfriend of this gorgeous girl."

Flynn then turns to look at me with one brow quirked in a silent question. The full power of his gaze is too much for me. I feel like if I look him in the eyes he'll see right through me, so I turn my gaze to Alex and say quietly, "Thanks, babe."

Flynn now shifts uncomfortably, "Well then, I'll leave you two love birds alone. Is there anything I can get you before I leave?"

At this point I'm ready to do anything to prevent another minute of this conversation so I respond with the first thing I can see on the menu, "One Dream Bean Caramel and Cream Frappuccino please."

Flynn says "Sure, I'll be right back," and then walks off to make the drink.

I finally notice that I am still holding hands with Alex and pull away, slumping down in my seat. I work up the nerve to look at Alex and see what appears to be amusement at my stumbling responses.

"Stop that." I grumble.

"Stop what?" Alex is now fighting a smile.

"Being all smug, it's not that funny."

"Oh, but I think it is." He then proceeds to chuckle quietly.

This day could not be any worse.

While I'm still beating myself up for the last fifteen minutes of my life, I hear the door fling open behind me, and the unmistakable jingle of the bracelets my best friend is oh so fond of. I hear her approach the table and stop next to our booth.

"Elizabeth Margaret Fisher, what was that?" She says it just loud enough that it can be heard by only myself, and my new "boyfriend" Alex.

She seems to notice him then and looks him up and down, "Hello, I'm sure I'd be happy to meet you if I wasn't so mad at the coward over here."

She then turns back to me and I am suddenly extremely interested in the napkin dispenser.
I mumble quietly, "Hi Amy."

"Hi, yourself. I thought we were in agreement, instead I see you not even go to the counter, and then proceed to ignore my calls. I believe an explanation is deserved." She waits with her arms crossed, and nails tapping on her upper arm.

Across from me, Alex seems to be enjoying the scolding I have just received and is now looking back and forth between Amy and I like he's watching a game of tennis.

"Look, I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry, but I've got a plan." At this Amy seems intrigued.
"This is Alex, my boyfriend-" Before I can continue I am cut off by Amy.

"Boyfriend? Since when did you have a boyfriend? Is that why you didn't go up to Flynn? You're supposed to tell me these things." Amy says this with obvious surprise and some hurt.

I spit out the words as fast as I can, "If I could continue, he's not my actual boyfriend, I just said that to avoid questioning. Now, Flynn thinks I have a boyfriend and it's not weird that I'm here."

Amy seems to consider this for a bit, "I guess that's a good cover, but now what are you going to do? Flynn doesn't know you're single."

I respond, "Next time I talk to him, I'll casually mention that we broke up, and it will all be fine."

At this, Alex says with mock hurt, "Wow, you would dismiss our relationship so cruelly?"

I respond with equal sarcasm, "You know, sometimes people aren't made for each other."

Amy, with an exasperated expression on her face says, "As lovely as all this is, if you're not going to talk to Flynn, we need to take off. I have a flight to catch in an hour."

"Yeah, I guess we should go," I then turn to Alex, "Bye, thank you."

Alex responds, "No speech? No "it's not you, it's me"?"

With a roll of my eyes I say, "I've got to go, you can have the drink when Flynn brings it over, I don't like coffee anyways."

"Goodbye then...babe." And with that, Alex grabs his book and goes back to reading.

Curious, I look at the title, it's Pride and Prejudice. A man with a taste for the classics then, for some reason that makes sense.

Amy grabs me by the arm and we walk out to the car. With a start I realize when I go home I
might have to face Him.

This day just gets better and better.

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