Chapter 4: The Master Plan 2.0

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Amy pulls up in front of my house, and I glance around the driveway in the hopes that perhaps His car would be gone. My hopes come to a halt when I notice the red mustang next to our old minivan. Well, it certainly seems that his taste hasn't changed, he's always loved that car and apparently a run-in with the law is not enough to change that. I sigh, and decide that it's time to face the music.

"Bye Amy, thanks for the ride."

Amy seems confused by the extra car in the driveway, "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine, or it will be. I'll text you later."

With that, I open the car door and trudge up the steps. The front door is unlocked and I open it quietly, hoping that I can make it to the stairs before I'm noticed. As I step in the door I can see my mom and Him locked in what looks like a very tense conversation, her curled in on herself, Him leaning in and talking with a quiet but forceful voice. When I try to kick off my shoes, the wind kicks the door closed loudly. Great, just what I needed.

My mom asks from her position in her chair, "Lizzie, is that you?"

With no other choice, I walk into the room and stand leaning against the wall.

"Yep, it's me, can I help you?"

I'm done with Him, done with my mom not standing up for herself, done with the lies and fake smiles.

My mom replies with a tone that tells me that she is not going to tolerate my attitude, "We were just discussing getting dinner tonight."

I scoff at that, refusing to acknowledge His presence at all.

"Please, it would be a great chance for all of us to catch up." There's a pleading tone to her voice and I know that if I don't go, she will, and I don't need her spending any more time alone with him.

"Sure, let's go to dinner, hold hands, and sing kumbaya." With that I walk off, still seething over Him. The audacity!

When I get to my room I see I have a text waiting from Amy. She wants to know if I'm going after Flynn again. I don't know, after that performance I don't think I'll be able to face him without falling all over myself.

First, I need him to notice me, but how? The plan hits me in a glorious moment of inspiration, the best way to get his attention is to make him jealous, and I know just the person. I send a text back to Amy.

Me: I have a plan. I'll have Flynn in no time!

This is just what I need to keep my mind of Him, the perfect boyfriend, but first, I have to go to dinner. Why did I ever agree to this?

A few hours later I'm laying on my bed thinking through all the pieces of my plan. Today wasn't a failure, just a minor detour, and luckily I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve.

The updated plan:
1. Find Alex again
2. Convince him to keep fake-dating me
3. Make Flynn jealous
4. "Break up" with Alex
5. Go straight to Flynn's waiting arms

Now, to deal with Him. I may have to go to this stupid dinner but I'm not going to embarrass myself by dressing down. I slip into a white sweater dress, curling my hair and adding some mascara. One purse and a pair of boots later and I'm ready to go. I hear my mom call my name from downstairs. It's go time.

I walk downstairs and grab my coat off of its hook, refusing to make eye contact with Him, who is trying to get my attention. We walk out the door, and my mom heads not towards our white jeep, but towards His mustang.

Heck no. No way. I will not ride in that car.

My mom notices that I've stopped in the driveway, "Elizabeth?"

I can't do this, not now, not ever again. "I think I'll drive myself." My voice is soft but the message is received nonetheless.

My mom appears to believe it isn't worth the fight and replies, "Fine, but meet us at Benny's in fifteen minutes, no more than that."

Benny's? This is a calculated move, but if she can pick her battles so can I.

I nod and go back inside, grabbing the keys to the jeep. As I lock the door on my way out, I see her and Him pulling out of the driveway.

I can't believe her. What in the world is she doing?

Regardless, I get into the jeep and begin driving. The restaurant is about ten minutes away from home, making it so that I have no choice but to head straight there.

As I drive, I'm lost in thought. My plan to get Flynn is solid, except I have no idea where Alex could be and no way of contacting him. I turn into the parking lot, stopping a few rows away from where I can see the mustang has been parked.

As I walk into the restaurant all the memories of dinners here come flooding back. We haven't been here since He left, it was always our thing to eat here on the weekends. My mom's laughter pulls me out of my reminiscing, and I follow the noise to a small corner table.

A waiter stands with his back to me, talking to my mom and Him. "Great," I think, "Just one more person to deal with today." Keeping my eyes down in the hopes that I will be spared from this conversation, I slide into a chair and start scanning the menu.

"Elizabeth," my mom says, forcing me to glance towards her, "Don't be so rude, this waiter is a perfectly nice young man." Turning to the waiter, "What did you say your name was again?"

Before he can respond I glance up from the table, making eye contact with the one person I was not expecting to see tonight. "Alex?"

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