Chapter 15: Road Trip

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I wake up Wednesday morning still riding the adrenaline high from last night. I take a brisk shower and then head into the kitchen. Waving a quick good morning to my mom in the family room, I walk through the doorway making a beeline for the pantry. Grabbing some cereal, milk, a bowl, and a spoon, I sit down at the counter. Of course, George has to be the one to interrupt my peace.

Sliding onto the stool next to me he says, "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

With as much false enthusiasm as I can muster I say, "Great, since you weren't trying to break down my door."

"You're still upset about that are you? As I said, I am just a concerned adult."

I mutter under my breath, "And hell is just a sauna."

He smirks a little but offers no other indication that he heard it. I finish my cereal and stand up from the chair. Before I can walk away, a hand wraps around my wrist. Panic rips through me and I'm struggling to get away, hearing a car door slamming over and over and over again. The hand releases me and I calm down a little, but George immediately leans in close to me and whispers, "Don't forget about our little conversation."

The one where he threatened me? Oh, I don't think I'll be forgetting that any time soon. I shudder and walk to the sink, washing and rinsing my dish as fast as possible. I practically sprint up the stairs to my room, locking the door behind me and sitting on my bed, trying to calm my breathing. After about two minutes of sitting in silence, I hear my phone go off. I have a text from Alex.

Alex: Any chance that you're free today? My mom wants me to take my siblings to get a Christmas tree and Elinor won't stop asking about you.

Me: Anything to get out of this house. What time were you thinking?

Alex: I'm ready to leave now, but I can adjust it.

Me: No, that's perfect, give me fifteen minutes.

Alex: Okay, see you soon.

Double checking my hair in the mirror I put on some mascara and lip-gloss and grab my coat. I walk downstairs to talk to my mom, hoping I won't have to deal with anyone else. I head into the family room first, but find only Him sitting there. Deciding to just get it over with I say, "Hey, do you know where my mom is?"

"She went to the store. She said something about a snowstorm tonight and wanting to stock up."

I should have known. Well, I guess He will have to do. "I'm heading out with Alex, we are going to go look for a Christmas tree with his siblings."

"You know Lizzie, he seems like a nice boy. I'm glad you've found someone like him."

I'm not sure what to say; we're getting dangerously close to parent territory here. Instead of responding to his statement, I opt for a quick farewell and head to the front door. Slipping on my boots, I glance out the front door to see Alex's car pull up. Before he can park I'm moving out the door and towards his car. Alex hops out quickly and opens the passenger side door, talking as he does so.

"There's a Christmas tree farm about twenty minutes from here, I figured we could buy something there and hopefully be home before it gets too late. There's a diner right next to it, so we can have lunch there."

"That sounds amazing, Alex, thank you."

I sit down and buckle my seat belt, while Alex walks around the car. I turn around only to be greeted with four tiny faces, all staring at me. Elinor, who I recognize quickly, immediately turns to me and begins talking. I smile and listen, happy to be out of the house.

Alex gets in on his side of the car and turns to his chattering siblings before he starts the car.

"Guys, this is Lizzie. Lizzie, this is Jenna, Theo, Cole, and Elinor."  He points to each child in turn. Jenna looks to be about eight, sharing Alex's dark hair, and sits quietly assessing me. Theo and Cole sit next to each other, quietly taking while stealing glances at me. They both look like a younger version of Alex, appearing to be two years old.

Elinor reaches behind her and pulls a doll out from the pocket next to her seat. Extending her doll to me she says, "Lizzie, I brought my doll with me so you could see her."

I take the doll from her as Alex starts driving and say, "What a pretty doll! Is this the one you were telling me about?"

I hand the doll back to a beaming Elinor who says, "Yes! When we go back to the house we can play with my other dolls. Did you know we are going to buy a Christmas tree?"

I smile at her and say, "I did."

Theo, apparently having finally gathered his courage, extends his hand to me. I hold out my hand and he drops a train into it. I say to Theo, "This is a very nice train."

He just smiles as I hand it back to him and he begins to roll it along the arm of his car seat. Cole has a train in his hand as well, but I can't help but notice Jenna is still staring at me. I turn to her as she says, "Are you in love with my brother?"

I blush and notice Alex fighting a laugh out of the corner of my eye. "I like your brother very much."

She just rolls her eyes, "That's not the same thing."

I laugh and say, "How do you know?"

At this, she blushes. Suddenly curious I say, "Do you have a boyfriend, Jenna?"

She blushes again, tucking her chin into her chest. Alex says with mock hurt, "Jenna? I can't believe you didn't tell me. Who is it? Is it Parker?"

She squirms a little and I know he's hit the mark. I turn to Jenna and say, "Who's Parker?"

She doesn't answer so Alex does so for her, "Her best friend, at least that's what I thought. Apparently I was wrong." He seems amused but also a little tense. Why am I not surprised he's the protective type?

I just say to her, "All the best relationships start as friendships."

Jenna perks up at this, "Were you and Alex friends first?"

"No, but we are now."

Jenna seems satisfied with this answer and relaxes in her seat again. Before Elinor, who has turned to me, can start talking, Alex says, "We're here."

This sets off a round of excited squeals and giggles from the children and I can't help but smile along with them. I turn towards Alex who's grinning as well. He looks at me and I'm hit with the sudden urge to lean in closer and see what would happen. Stupid hormones. I don't even like him. Nonetheless, I'm excited for the day ahead.

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