Chapter 14: An Invitation

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The next morning I wake up and, remembering the events of last night, turn to my phone. The call is no longer on. Alex hung up. I find myself almost...disappointed? No, no, I'm just tired. Regardless, when I open my phone to see a text from Alex, a smile forms on my face.

Alex: Good morning! Elinor woke up before you did and she can be quite noisy, so I hung up before she could wake you with her questions.

Oddly happy with his answer, I move along with my day. It's Tuesday, one week from Christmas. Suddenly energized, I get ready for the day and head downstairs for breakfast. My mom and Him are back from wherever they went last night, and I can't help but notice George is absent. Now would be the right time to say something about what happened last night.

I walk over to my mom and whisper, "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

She nods and we walk together to the hallway. I'm not sure how to start, but I guess there is no good way to explain this. She stares me down, but not rudely, simply curious and a bit concerned, and says, "What is it, Lizzie?"

I start into it, "There's no good way to say this, but basically when you guys were out last night George tried to open my door."

My mom blinks, seeming to digest the words for a minute. She says calmly, "Well, I'm sure there is a logical explanation. We can ask him later."

"But mom-"

I can tell she's unsure of her response, but she says it nonetheless, "George is a good man, I'm sure he was just making sure you were safe."

Before I can reply George walks around the corner. He simply says, "Good morning." Not acknowledging his behavior last night or me at all. My mom pulls him aside before he can leave, "George, Lizzie says she heard you try to open her door last night. I told her there had to have been a logical explanation, right?"

For one brief moment, his expression turns into surprise, but it immediately becomes as cocky and self assured as usual. "I was just checking to make sure Lizzie was in her room and alone. I heard that boy's voice and figured I better double check, but I discovered they were on the phone and left."

I'm immediately talking, "What? None of that is true!"

My mom turns to me, "Were you on the phone with Alex last night?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then what is the issue?"

"I called Alex after George came to my door, not before."

George, cutting in, "I'm sure she is just embarrassed that I heard her."

I can only stand there in shock as my mom laughs and says, "Oh, to be a teenager again! See Lizzie, he was doing the right thing and looking out for you." With that, her and George walk to the kitchen.

I'm in shock at this point. My own mother doesn't believe me, even when I've brought it up more than once. Well, I'm not going to go to the kitchen now. I suppose I'll just have to wait until later. I walk back to my room and plop down on my bed. I pick up my book and start reading, wanting to be anywhere but here right now.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. By nine o'clock I'm ready to move on to tomorrow. Realizing I haven't heard from Amy in a few days, I decide to text her.

Me: Hey, how's your trip going?

She texts back less than five minutes later.

Amy: Boring, I can only do so many puzzles, Lizzie. Tell me, are you enjoying your break? Preferably with Flynn?

I laugh aloud at this and text back.

Me: Not yet. I do have Alex agreeing to fake-date me though.

Amy: Spit it out, I know you have a plan.

Me: Well stage 1 is social media which is already done.

There's a pause of a few minutes before she texts again.

Amy: Ooh, I'm seeing it now. You guys actually make a pretty cute couple.

Me: Haha, very funny. Stage 2 is public outings. We went to that new restaurant last night, but didn't see anyone of note. Our plan is to go to the Overlook for the Christmas party on Saturday, but we probably should do something in between then and now. Stage 3 is a very public breakup, but the timing is flexible.

Amy: I like the way you think. Keep me updated.

Me: I will.

With that I turn my phone of and go to take a shower. I'm brushing my hair off when I get a text. Figuring it's from Amy I leave it for a few minutes. But, to my surprise, the text is from Flynn.

Flynn: Hey Lizzie, it's Flynn. I didn't have your number so I texted Amy. I was wondering if you were doing anything Thursday night? Dream Beans is having a karaoke night and I have to be there for work, but I figured it'd be more fun if you joined me. Just let me know.

Oh. My. Gosh. This is perfect! Smiling like a fool, I text back.

Me: I would love to.

He responds less than a minute later.

Flynn: Great! See you then :)

I had faith in my plan, but this is better than I could have imagined. Who knows? I might even have Flynn before Christmas.

With that wonderful thought I double check the lock on my door before turning out the lights and getting back to bed. I lay there trying to fall asleep, and as I drift off I find myself thinking not about Flynn's invitation, but about the way Alex had not hesitated to answer when I called him last night.

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