Chapter 21: Shopping Spree

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I wake on Friday morning, realizing that tomorrow is the party at the Overlook. I'm nervous of course, but with the knowledge that Alex will be there, I'm not totally panicked.

As I'm digesting all of this, I come to the realization that my plan has succeeded, Flynn likes me. With that realization comes a bit of disappointment. I'm just sad that I'm losing hanging out with Alex all the time. It's not like I want to date him... right?

I shake off the weirdness, determined not to fall down that spiral, and then I get ready for the day. I head downstairs for breakfast, getting in and out without any confrontations, but I hear whispering coming from the family room. Suddenly curious, I creep closer. Well, it's definitely my father and George. This time, I can hear the conversation more clearly.

My father speaks, "You promised to be out of here before the end of the week. I agreed to that, not an indefinite stay."

George speaks in response, his voice a tone I'd only ever heard him use when he was threatening me. "Now, now, don't be so hasty. I'll stay however long I'd like. That is unless you would rather I leave and go on a little shopping spree?"

My father quickly says, "No, no. Stay however long you'd like."

What the heck? A shopping spree? What does that have to do with us? And why is my dad afraid of him?

Their conversation is obviously over and I move upstairs before they can spot me. I turn the conversation over and over in my head, but I still can't figure it out. Setting it aside for the time being, I decide to head to the mall to get a new outfit for tomorrow.

I tell my mom and leave quickly, arriving to the mall in just under fifteen minutes. I wander through stores, searching for the perfect outfit. I eventually land on a dress.

It's two layers. The base is a form-fitting navy blue dress with spaghetti straps. The second layer is see-through navy blue, little gems and sparkles distributed across the fabric. It comes to my mid thigh, the see-through sleeves reaching just past my elbows. The base layer is slightly low-cut, but the top layer makes up for a bit of it. As I slip it on, I'm reminded of the night sky, and it's easily my new favorite outfit.

Satisfied with my purchase, I decide to take some time and head into the bookstore next door. I wander through the shelves, absentmindedly glancing at books as I go. I eventually find the romance novels section, and can't help but laugh when I find a novel with a faking dating plot and a guy on the cover who could be Alex's long-lost brother.

I pick it up and bring it to the register. I'm paying when I see another customer walk towards the register to pay out of the corner of my eye. I turn to leave and run straight into him. It's Alex.

He has his hands on my hips to steady me, my arms currently clutching the book I just bought. I can feel the warmth of his hands, and I think I could stay here forever, but I cough at the emotion and step back.

"Alex! I didn't know you would be here. I was just heading home"

He says, "You shouldn't be walking out there alone, it's already dark out. Hold on one second, I'll pay and we can walk together."

I wait by the door, he pays quickly and holds out his hand for me to grab as he passes by. I hold on and we walk together to the parking lot.

Alex speaks first, "So, what brings you here?"

"I was looking for an outfit for the party tomorrow,  but then I noticed the bookstore next door and decided to pop in there. What are you doing here?"

"Jenna is going to the movies with a few friends and their parents. I figured it would be easier to just drop her off and then wait for the movie to finish, so I was just using up some time wandering the stores."

We arrive at the doors to exit the mall and he holds the door open for me, I walk through and let go of his hand as he holds the door open for the older woman behind us. I continue walking and wait for him to catch up.

I'm halfway to my car when I notice a guy leaning against the car next to mine. I can't explain why, but something feels off. Keeping one eye on the stranger I walk the few steps back to Alex.

He reads the worry in my eyes and says, "What is it?"

I just look back over at the guy next to my car and note him now staring me down. Alex quickly positions himself in-between me and the guy, talking to me while facing the other direction. "It'll be alright. Come on, let's go."

He holds my hand in his while moving towards my car. I'm not sure what expression was on Alex's face, but based on the fact that every muscle in his back was tensed, it couldn't have been a pleasant one. The stranger doesn't stick around, getting up and walking in the other direction. Alex relaxes a bit and waits for me to unlock my door before opening it and gesturing for me to get inside.

I sit down, turning to talk to him. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll pick you up at eight?"

"Sounds good," I pause thinking over my words and just decide to say, "Bye, Alex."

He kisses me on the cheek and says, "Goodbye, love."

He then closes the door, sending me a wink as he walks back to the mall, hands in his pockets.

I watch him go before driving home and laying down on my bed. The hours pass quickly as I read Pride and Prejudice, finishing it and starting on the romance novel. By the time I go to sleep that night, I've already read half of the book. I fall asleep quickly, dreaming of romance novels and a boy with turquoise eyes.

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