Chapter 27: Five Years Later

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I walk into Dream Beans and slide into a booth, memories from the past years filtering through my mind. I graduated from high school four years ago, moving onto college where I am now a senior, one semester away from graduating with a bachelor's in psychology. The major fell into place after I took the class for fun my senior year of high school. It's funny how such little choices can make big ripples.

I glance around the café. Sure, I'd been here occasionally in the last four years, but I hadn't really had the chance to sit and look. Not much had changed, the walls still the same color, the booths themselves now cracked and worn with age. The only real difference was the lack of the blonde haired boy at the register.

Flynn graduated the same year I did, deciding to go to culinary school and become a cook. We keep in touch, still good friends, despite that rough attempt at a relationship five years ago.

The bell over the door rings, announcing a customer, and I glance up as a dark-haired turquoise-eyed boy slides into the seat across from me.

His eyes sparkle with mischief as he says, "Hey babe! Sorry I'm late!"

I know how to play this game and laugh silently at the memory of our first meeting, "So...babe. I expect you have a good reason for being late?"

He keeps to the script, "Sorry babe, I was just so caught up with..homework."

I say back, "On a Wednesday? During break?"

"Oh, you know me, always getting ahead."

I finally break character and laugh, "Are they ready to go?"

He nods and says, "I've got them all in the car. Did you get the hot chocolate?"

I nod and grab the drinks as we walk out to the car together. He opens the door for me, just as he's done all these years. I turn to face the kids in the back seat, Elinor, Theo, Cole, and Jenna all looking back at me. They're all five years older now, but their personalities haven't changed. Elinor begins chattering as I watch Alex get in and start driving from the corner of my eye.

The drive passes in a whirlwind of the chaos only the Rhodes children can create. The car stops and we all get out as Alex says, "We're here."

The Christmas tree farm hasn't changed in the five years that we've been here, picking out a tree on the Wednesday the week before Christmas every year.

Cole, now seven, grabs my hand as we walk to find a tree, but Elinor walks ahead, Alex taking my other side with a hand around my waist. We eventually find a tree which Alex cuts and brings to the car. We head to the diner for lunch, the kids predictably hungry. Lunch is over quickly and then we are outside, forming teams for our annual round of hide and seek.

This time, however, all the kids decide to be on Alex's team.

I protest immediately, "How is that fair? I need team members!"

Alex only says, "The children have spoken. It's your year to seek, so count to sixty and then come find us."

I sigh at the unfairness of it all but I'm not really that upset. I turn and start to count, hearing the inevitable giggles moving behind me. I eventually finish counting and then turn, noting the boot prints the children left in the snow.

Somehow they never learn, no matter how many years we play. I keep my eyes on the ground, following the prints. They lead to a particularly large tree, and I start waking around it, talking as I do so, "You guys really should be more careful about covering your prints, I find you-"

My voice trails off as I take in the scene in front of me. The kids are gathered off to the side, all standing quietly, but their smiles say they know a secret. That's not what silenced me though, what silenced me was the man standing in front of me. Rose petals are scattered on the ground around him and he's standing in front of the tree, the backside I couldn't see covered in lights.

I walk towards him, "Alex? What is all this?"

He waits until I reach his side before saying, "Do you remember what I asked for when you asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend?"

I'm a little confused, but I answer all the same, "You said you wanted a favor, a favor for the future."

He just says, "Well, I'm cashing in."

With those four words, he drops to one knee pulling out a small box from behind him and opening it. The diamond on top of the ring sparkles, and I quickly snap my eyes to his face. He just nods and begins.

"Elizabeth Fisher, I love you. I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."

The tears start streaming down my face at the nod to the book which started it all, but he continues, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I promise to always lend you my jacket, always pick up when you call, and always stay by your side, even if it means watching reality television."

I laugh a little, his expression still full of love but growing a little more serious, as he says, "Will you grant me this favor and do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I'm speechless, the heartfelt words causing me to lose all of mine. But I find the only one that matters as I say, "Yes!"

He slips the ring on my finger and I fling my arms around his neck. He stumbles back a bit, but holds on tight. I'm still crying a bit and he wipes my tears, "Women. So emotional."

I just shake my head and kiss him. He kisses me back, and I vaguely register the click of a camera and footsteps coming around the tree. I break the kiss first, resting my forehead on his.

I finally speak, "It took you sixty seconds to set all this up?"

He says, "I had a little help."

I finally turn to look at the people who had arrived. Mrs. Rhodes stands behind her kids, smiling at me as I look her way. My parents are next to them, my mom crying slightly and my dad with a straight face, but his eyes reveal he's happy. Next to them are Flynn and Amy, and I can't help but note the arm Flynn has casually draped around Amy's shoulders. Everyone important to us had come to help him.

Jenna, the source of that camera click, says, "This year's photo should look great on the wall."

Alex and I laugh and I look up at him. I ask, "What do you say? Ready for a new adventure?"

He responds, "Always, love, always."

With that we continue on into that beautiful future.


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