Chapter 12: Text Me

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We make it to the restaurant just before eight and find a line halfway down the street. Alex turns to me and says, "Well, it looks like we'll be doing some waiting."

I just laugh and say, "Yes it does."

He opens his door and walks around to my side of the car before I can grab the handle. Mock bowing he says, "Milady."

I smile and take his hand, walking with him to the end of the line. It takes about five minutes of waiting before I turn to Alex and say, "So, I started reading Pride and Prejudice."

He just raises an eyebrow and says, "And?"

I reply, "I didn't know the main character was named Elizabeth."

He seems to blush at this and says, "That's relevant because?"

I laugh and reply, "I don't know I just figured it would have come up in our conversation by now. I quite like her."

He says, "As do I," then after a pause, "She's a bit like you actually."

Now it's my turn to blush. Stop that, why do you care what he thinks? But I just say, "Well, I can't quite get a read on Darcy yet, but I think you're probably more of a Bingley."

His eyes lose a bit of their warmth as he says, "Well, I think Flynn could fill that role. He's got enough of the mysterious element going. You're practically meant to be together."

Not knowing what to say, I just nod and note that something like disappointment flashes over his face. What did he want me to say? He suggested it first.

Trying to move out of this awkward place, I shift the conversation to meaningless things like the weather. We're almost to the door when I hear a car door slam nearby. I flinch, my heart rate skyrocketing and breaths getting shallow. I try to calm myself down quickly, feeling silly for reacting that way. Alex misses nothing.

He studies my face for a moment than says, "You okay?"

I brush it off, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised me is all."

He searches my eyes again and shakes his head, obviously not believing me. Then, he steps closer to my side and wraps an arm around my waist, but doesn't call me out on my lie.

I start chatting with him again, and luckily the conversation returns to normal. We finally make it to the hostess stand and she leads us to a table in the corner. I sit down and pick up the menu. The restaurant is Italian, my favorite. A waiter comes over shortly after we are seated and takes our orders. After he leaves, I take the opportunity to glance around the room. I know a few people from school, but no sign of Flynn. Oh well, I suppose this is the best we can do for now.

We finish our meal, sticking to light topics of conversation. He pays, and we step out into the parking lot. I finally glance at my phone having left it off during dinner. I see that I have a text from my mom.

Mom: Your father and I went out tonight. George is at home and knows to expect you by eleven. Be on your best behavior, okay? See you tomorrow.

I stop where I am in the parking lot. Alex continues walking and chattering on for a bit until he realizes I'm not by his side. He turns back to me and says, "Lizzie, is everything okay?"

I swallow before saying, "My parents went out for the night. George is the only one at home."

Alex moves towards me immediately. "I'll come in after I drop you off. I can sleep on the floor, it'll be fine."

I sigh and shake my head, starting to walk towards the car as he follows me, fingers crossing and uncrossing nervously, "We can't risk you getting a lifetime ban from the house. I'll be fine for the one night."

He grabs my shoulder gently and spins me towards him, "Not alone. You and I both know he's not going to just ignore you because your parents aren't home. I'm not letting you do that to yourself."

I look down, "What choice do we have?"

He gently places his fingers under my chin and lifts so that our eyes meet and my fidgeting hands still. He then softly says, "Hey, we'll figure something out. Okay?"

I just nod and he reaches around me, opening the door and making sure my feet are inside before closing it. He then gets in on his side and starts to drive us home. "Look, I know I can't come in without your parents at home, but at the very least I want you to text me when you get to your room."

I nod my agreement and the rest of the ride is silent. When we pull into my driveway, he again steps out quickly, opening my door and shutting it behind me. I could probably make a joke here, but I'm a little too tense right now. He walks me to the doorstep and says, "Remember to text me."

I just nod and then hesitate before putting my hand on the handle.  He then says, "Lizzie?"

I turn towards him, "Yes?"

He just shakes his head and says, "Nothing, goodnight." He then leans in and kisses my cheek softly before walking back to his car. I unlock the door and walk inside, hearing his car pull out as I close and lock the door behind me.

I'm halfway up the stairs when I hear a voice from behind me, "Young love, how sweet."

I turn to face George, let him think what he wants, "Can I help you?"

"Now Lizzie, that felt a little rude. I was just going to ask if you would like to join me on the couch and watch some football."

I shudder at the thought and say, "No, thank you, I'm quite tired."

He just smirks and says, "All right, good night then."

I say "Goodnight" back and promptly turn and finish climbing the stairs. I close and lock the door behind me, quickly shedding my shoes and jacket to climb on my bed. I hear a notification tone and check my phone. It's from Alex.

Alex: Did you get in okay?

I text back.

Me: Yes, sorry I kept you waiting, George decided to have a chat with me.

Alex: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah

Alex: Alright, call me if anything happens okay?

Me: Okay

With that I grab my stuff for my shower and hop in. I get ready for bed quickly, truly tired after the day I've had so far. I read a few more chapters of my book and then turn out the lights, making sure my phone, and by association Alex, are nearby.

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