Chapter 22: The Overlook

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Saturday morning arrives. Butterflies flutter through my stomach, but not the good kind, the anxious kind. I know it's been over a year, and I know I shouldn't be worried, but I am. I'm not chickening out though, I can do this.

I shower and change into some comfy clothes before snatching breakfast from the kitchen and taking it up to my room. I cleared the party with my mom earlier this week. I'm allowed to go, but I'm supposed to be home before midnight. It's not a big deal since I'm not much of a night owl anyways.

I turn on the television, drowning out my thoughts, hoping to last until seven. I get a text around three from Alex.

Alex: Are you sure about this? We can find Flynn some other time.

I'm so tempted to quit, but I can't because of that. I refuse to be scared out of doing things because some douchebags decided to do something bad.

I text him back.

Me: I'm sure, see you in a bit.

I go back to my romance novel from the night before, losing myself in the story. Seven rolls around, and I'm able to start getting ready. I curl my hair and then slip on the dress from yesterday. It's just as beautiful as I remember it being, and at the very least I have that on my side tonight. By the time the doorbell rings, I've put on a little makeup, some earrings, and flats.

I walk down the stairs as my father opens the door. There's quiet conversation and I hear Alex's voice mixing with that of my father's. They sound respectful at the very least, and as I turn the corner I notice Alex has stepped into the foyer.

He glances up as I enter his sight line and an expression of wonder, admiration, and a little of what looks like sadness registers on his face. I continue walking until I reach his side, and I can't stop the massive smile that comes to my lips as he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses the back of it gently.

A little at loss for words, I say, "Hello, Alex."

He just grins and says back, "Hello, Lizzie."

My father cuts in and says, "Alright you two, you know the rules. Be back by twelve, okay?"

I nod and then walk up to him, giving him a brief hug which he initially tenses at, but then returns. I wave to him and then link my arm through Alex's as we exit the house.

He doesn't say anything, only opening the car door for me and letting me get inside. He starts driving to the Overlook, and we sit in comfortable silence with the radio as the only noise.

I'm calm when we reach the Overlook, the anxiety present, but mostly distant from me. Alex turns to me, quietly saying, "You okay?"

I just say, "I think so. Now, come on, we don't want to miss the party."

I let him come around to my side to open the door and then we begin the walk to where I can see the fire, his arm wrapped around my waist. I steadfastly ignore the dark field to my left and keep my eyes trained on the destination ahead.

We reach the clearing a few moments later and I almost immediately make eye contact with Flynn across the way. Not wanting to be too obvious, I lead Alex throughout the party, introducing him to some of the people I know from school. We finally reach Flynn, and Alex wanders off with the excuse of going to find us drinks.

"Hi, Flynn. How have you been?"

"Good, you look really nice tonight."

I thank him, but can't help but notice that it doesn't feel quite the same as when Alex says it. I ignore that feeling, pushing it down where I won't be able to acknowledge it.

We continue conversing for a while, and I'm mostly okay. Then, a group of guys in football jackets enters the clearing. I don't recognize them, they aren't the ones from before, but I can't quite convince my body of that fact. I feel my heart pounding, my breathing becoming weirdly loud to my ears. Flynn notices, "Lizzie, are you okay?"

I'm not, I'm most definitely not okay, but I don't want to explain it to him. Where is Alex? Flynn reaches out and grabs my wrist in what seems like a concerned gesture, but it is entirely the wrong thing to do. My cheeks burn and I feel a lump in my throat. I can't keep the nausea at bay, so I just say, "Yep, I'm fine. Will you excuse me for a moment?"

He nods but I'm already gone, moving into the forest quickly. I hear a voice call out my name. Alex. His footsteps move more quickly and I hear him reach my side just as the nausea hits its peak. I mumble to him, "I don't feel so good."

With that, I hunch over, my throat burning as I throw up everything I'd eaten today. One of Alex's hands gathers my hair at the nape of my neck while the other gently rubs my back. He's murmuring words of comfort but they don't quite reach my ears. I finish, disgusted but less nauseous, and so very tired.

Disregarding the mess, Alex shifts my weight so I'm leaning against his chest and whispers, "What happened?"

I just shake my head and say, "I'm tired, Alex."

"I know, love, I know." I lean my full weight against him, the anxiety of the day and memories of the past leaving me unable to keep myself upright.

The world shifts suddenly and I feel Alex's arms under my legs and against my back. I only lean my head against his neck, feeling the vibrations as he murmurs, partly to me and partly to himself, "I knew this was a bad idea. It's all okay now, though. I'll take you home and you can go to bed. It will all be better in the morning. I'm here. We'll get through this."

I'm half asleep by the time he sets me down on the car seat, but I immediately snap my eyes open as the door shuts on his side, the past and the present intertwining so closely I can't peel them apart. Alex sits forward into a bit of light sensing my panic and murmurs, "It's only me. I'm taking you home, it will all be okay."

I settle back into my seat and begin dozing off again, one of his hands clutched between both of mine. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know he's reaching around to unbuckle me and then picking me up gently. I groggily note the absence of George's car, normally parked by the street, grateful for the reprieve even for just one night.

He reaches the door and pauses, obviously not wanting to set me down but also unable to explain my appearance. Apparently, he decides the explanations are worth it, gently knocking on the door. I see my mom come to the door, eyes opening wide in fear when she sees me. Alex quickly rattles off an excuse of which I only hear, "Food poisoning."

My father steps up behind my mother, offering to take me from him. I simply move my head to rest in the crook of Alex's neck and that seems to be answer enough for them. The arms carry me upstairs and to my bed, setting me down gently. I hear my parents murmuring and know he won't be allowed to stay, but I hold onto his hand nonetheless, finally drifting into a deeper sleep.

I wake a few hours later, using the crack of light coming through my door to note the sleeping boy on the floor next to my bed. Not wanting to wake him up, but needing the physical reassurance, I slip onto the floor, huddling into his warmth. His arms seem to find me automatically and I drift off again, safe and warm.

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