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February 23rd 1988

We had our first U.S. show and just like in Japan there were a bunch of cameras and news people there. Dom, Randy, LaVelle, and I stretched together again. I do Randy's eyeliner again before Dom nervously walks up.

"Can you do mine?" I smile and nod.

"Yeah, get up on the counter." He sits in front of me as LaVelle and Randy leave. I carefully put it on before taking a small step back and making sure it's even.

"I'm sure it's perfect." He says, slipping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer.

"It's not even though." I say, reaching for a makeup wipe.

"Leave it, no one will notice." He says, and I smile at him. We start to lean in but I see the clock in the mirror and sigh.

"Not now."

"Why?" He pulls back, a confused look on his face.

"We gotta go on in like two minutes." He looks over my shoulder and groans slightly.

"We'll finish this later." He says as he jumps off the counter.

"Oh yeah? And what's this?" I teasingly ask. He just smiles as we walk up to join LaVelle and Randy.

After the show we take turns showering. He comes out after his shower and I look up from my book.

"How's the book Eliza?"


"Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice." He explains with a sheepish smile.

"Well, this is my favorite book, so I'd say rather good Jay."

"Jay?" He asks, his smile getting bigger.

"Jay Gatsby from the Great Gatsby." We laugh before I put the book down. He slowly leans in and I follow suit. We share a short kiss before pulling back and resting our foreheads together.

"I've missed this." I say honestly.

"Me too." He says with a small smile and we kiss again.

The next day we walk around with LaVelle and Randy again, Jenn joining us this time. Randy pulls us to a candy shop and we follow, laughing at his childlessness.

"I swear you act younger than I am." I laugh as Jenn holds the door open for us. He just sticks his tongue out at me before walking around the store. Later, at lunch, Jenn pulls me to the bathroom.

"What did you do to him?"

"Do what to who?"

"Dominic. He's been following you around like a lost puppy all day." I just shake my head, laughing.


"Tell me what happened, and don't say nothing again because I know something did."

"We might've kissed a few times last night." She squeals and I smile as she hugs me.

"Get it girl!" I laugh and shake my head. We walk back out and I see Dom looking worried.

"What took you two so long?" He asks as we sit.

"We're girls." Jenn says simply but gives me a knowing smile.

"Shut it." I say through my teeth.

"What?" Randy asks, looking between us as the server brings us our food.

"Nothing!" I say quickly.

That night Dom practically dances around our room as I try to fall asleep.

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